a pie in it all(updated)

today has been nothing less than fantastic.
the diet is still going, with a little bit of cheating, but not much.
i traded milk for yogurt and am very satisfied. no more gag reflex over breakfast and lunch.
we are having some sort of cod/spinach and potato thing for dinner…sigh, which i would have eaten a proper lunch and saved breakfast for dinner.
i have my girl guiding meeting tonight…next week will be my final week. because i am MOVING HOME!
alexia doesn’t have to work the day i get back into town, so we are going out to dinner, dancing at ladies night and eating little chef before our grueling lives start. sigh!
tomorrow is the library, friday is leos place and eyebrow waxing. maybe i’ll treat myself to dinner and a movie again…
another week of playgroups and other random things…some packing…
arrival of the new au pair, training…and ta da!
i must sound entirely pathetic…to busy escaping to enjoy the time i have now.
visiting the stonehenge this weekend…
i deserve it!

alright, so i skipped my girl guides meeting. whoops. my heart is just not in it.
em yelled at me because her children pulled all the caps off the markers, and it is “my job” to put the caps back.
i rolled my eyes and said okay.
i’m just going to throw the markers away next time, lol.
the people in new york seem fabulous! everytime i get an email from them i am amused.
they just bought a new house and will be renovating it when i move in…but i’m not worried about that.i’ll have to shuffle rooms a few times but thats totally managable.
dear fucking lord.
abigail, the four year old i watch…is still SO FUCKING ANNOYING.
i am so excited to say goodbye to her.
i hope that doesn’t make me terrible.

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April 19, 2006

ryn: my bad on that! i saw UK and figured you were born and raised there. i want to visit stonehenge. hell i want to visit europe in general.

April 19, 2006

Nope. You sound focused. *winks*

April 19, 2006

i love chicago. ive been to a lot of major cities and the only one that is comparably cool to chicago is philadelphia. i have 5 tattoos now and i want more. but im very particular on where i get them and what of. i waited until i was 22.

April 19, 2006

No. You don’t sound terrible at all. The people you’ve been nannying for sound absolutely the antipathy of what people expect from the English. I mean, eccentric, weird, oblivious of fine breasts, yes. But rude? The English? It’s just absurd. What is the world coming to?? So, Adios, Abigail and good riddance, is what I say! *hugs*

April 20, 2006

i was wondering about you liking Detroit. then i read you were from michigan, so that makes since. i’ve been to detroit only a couple of times and it actually made me depressed more than anything. i do love the state of michigan though, beautiful scenery.

April 20, 2006

Have you nannied in USA before? From all the other nannies I have spoken to (and my own experience), it’s pretty easy and usually alot of fun! 😀 Can’t wait to get you out here on the east coast… parrrrrty! 😀

April 21, 2006

tsk. tsk, skipping meetings!! But guess what… You’re coming back to USA soon, so you’ll be out of that place in NO time… 🙂