and we say “doing it again”

“And that creates a weird sensation for the Left Behind reader, because post-Rapture earth initially seems like a better place to live. Everybody boring would be gone. One could assume that all the infidels who weren’t teleported into God’s kingdom must be pretty cool: all the guys would be drinkers and all the women would be easy, and you could make jokes about homeless people and teen suicide and crack babies without offending anyone.”
[Chuck Klosterman]

i love my friends…because they post things like that…which are just plain funny.
i’m tired, but in addition to that i am restless and bored and blah.
pissed at my mom, it’s a stupid thing involving my sister. my mom just doesn’t get what it is like to have cancer. and i am being bossy and know-it-all regarding my sisters situation. but it’s a right that i’ve been given.
i had cancer, therefore i can bitch and moan about everyones inadequaceys in this situation. when i was ill i was to tired to advocate for myself. and i wish i had someone looking out for my best interests in my whole well-being. not just medical care.
basically my sister sent me an email complaining about how much she hates the help my mom has hired. and my mom just doesn’t get it. if the patient doesn’t like the hired hell, then fire their ass. don’t try to ‘work things out’
make your daughter happy.
the person who is working at my parents house is forcing hannah to get out of bed and do things. what a fucking idiot. she just came back from chemo treatments, she wants to SLEEP!
so when i am home, i’m going to hide hannah away and take care of her myself. none of this forcing her to stay busy shit. if she wants to sleep she can sleep.
no one understand what it is like to have cancer as a kid, unless it happened to you. and all these sorrys and understanding don’t help because they are bullshit.
big old sigh…
i’ll be home soon.

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April 18, 2006

*hugs* 14 days, right? I didn’t know you were a cancer survivor. Wow. That’s partly why you’re so together for your age, maybe? Hannah does need you. Moms can be so unthinking sometimes! *HUGS* btw: I love the quote. I read it to Freds.

April 18, 2006

I hope your sister feels better soon and that the hired help stops being terrible. NYC THIS SUMMER. 🙂

April 19, 2006

that is a hilarious post from your friend. i tend to say the same things about hell. if there is one, my friends and i will all be partying down there. that’s good that your looking out for your sister. since you have been in the same situation, you know what she needs to get better. good luck with that!

April 19, 2006

so you’re gonna mix yogart and cereal? not a bad combo, i dont think. here in the states you can buy yogart that has granola mixed into it and that’s pretty tasty.