we parted ways

i left off last thursdya with my gross allergy rash and all of the highschool drama awfullness.

now is better.

thursday night i went to the pub with megan, alexia and the sarahs. but the line was totally stupid, so we just ended up going to the wayside. we ran into sam maness and sean mankowski, and ended up leaving with them. we went to this party next door to aarons, and hung out there for a while. then a bunch of us went over to mike fabiano’s house. where we ate pizza and watched them play drinking type not really games. mike was being an asshole. he was hanging all over me and just being stupid. he was trying to drive, and i wouldn’t let him, and well i just got annoyed. eventually alexia, sean, sam and i went downstairs to play ping pong. it was the short people vs. the tall people. and short people won! lol. (sam and i were the short team) sam was not acting so belligerent, which surprised me because he is often a violent drunk.

like the time he busted down alexia’s door. that was scary. and many other ocassions. but he was really drunk and wanted to fool around. it felt so awkward. well it did and it didn’t. but just most of the time i am with a boy it is at my house or his house…but this was neither of our houses. i did not have sex with him.

so that was thursday night, and i didn’t gethome till around 5. the next morning i had to be at the highschool at 7, for world cultures day. so i got there early and greg almost got me suspended but mr. klak saved me and i was no longer in any trouble.

friday night was so very funny. i was exhausted that afternoon because of staying out to late the night before. so i layed down to take a nap at around 5. at 9:45 my dad came and woke me up. i was half asleep and we had a conversation about whether or not i wanted to stay asleep or get up. i was still very asleep. so i asked him to get my a cup of tea, and when he came back down i realized that it was 10:00 on a friday night and i was about to go to bed. so i stood on my bed and yelled FUCK THIS. he looked kind of bewildered. and i said, dude, it is 10 on a friday, i’m going out. so i went to keenans and got high with alexia.

saturday i had the save the theatre workshop. which was alot of fun. excpet for this stupid woman from some highschool, she said she was their tech director…but i DOUBT IT. she knew nothing. she didn’t even know what a fly system was. and she had no idea how to mix lights or just anything. she was just overall annoying and i wanted her to go.

my improv was awesome. i was really surprised with how well i did. i basically took control of all of the scenes, but that is just how i work, i don’t feel confident unless i am in control. after that i went to China Garden to work…it was alright. after work i picied jenni up from robs. people were apparently being jerks to her and saying shit aboutme. i don’t really care, but she seemed to care quite a bit. we drove around for a long time looking for some weed. we finally found some at 12:45. i went home and pretended to go to bed, and then alexia picked me up and we went to her dads house. alexia rolled her fist joint ever, and used these cherry flavored papaers. they were nice. and we smoked half of the joint. then we went to keenans and watched this crazy woody allen movie. i went home at around 3.

i worked all day sunday…and now i am just doing nothing.

so all of those bad things are now rebounded with what i thougth was a good weekend.

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