Busy Week

Usually at this  point in the summer, I am ready to return to school.  I have spent tons of pool time with the kids, taken Kayla to the movies, read tons of books, and worked on a couple of quilts.  Jax and I have trekked to the park to swing and slide.   We have enjoyed time together. August 1st clicks around and that nagging feeling that it is time to return to school forms in the back of my mind and slowly creeps to the front until I slink out to the car and head for my classroom.  This year has been a bit different for me.

I have read copious books and chatted with others regarding the contents of these books.  I completed three quilts, gifting one to Sam for his birthday, and the other two are works in progress for the two younger grandchildren.  They are beautiful pieces pulled and pieced together in love for the new lovelies entering our life.  The quilting is really the joy of my life wright now,  My goal is to have both kids a completed quilt and all the babies one before the year is out.  If i don’t get them done soon they may not be finished..  It is getting harder to find the strength to work on them. I am really tired these days and finding the energy to get these done is difficult. I will finish…I will finish.

I spent this week getting my classroom in order.  I have absolutely nothing left to do, but  I did spend some time in prayer for each of my students.  I asked God to protect all those young women, and young men.  I asked that the come into my classroom ready to learn, prepared to treat each other with respect, and that they leave a mark on someone the have contact with this year.  I know if this happens, they will be very blessed and I can count this year as a success.

So what is my hold up? Why am I so down about starting this year?  I am tired.  So very very tired.  I truly lack the energy to pull myself together and  get the job done.  I need to rest up this weekend and get some energy back.  The meds seem to be dragging me down.  I don’t notice any change symptoms. I hope that  I can make this year.  I rest is on my list of things to do. I am going to have to work smarter not harder to get this year off to a good start.  I think i will come back to this tomorrow when I am making beter sense.



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I know the tired feeling. I am nearly 68 and still work 4 days a week. I like the mental challenge, but some days its all I can do to get up and go to the office. I think we are going to take a month this winter and go to AZ. At least we are trying to plan that. Don’t know how much longer I can keep working, but worry that the lifestyle change will be too drastic. I’m ready though.