A good day

Yesterday I spent alot of time with my son. He was in a goofy mood. He apologized to me for what he said the other day. He ate lunch with me and played with the dogs. He did alot of joking around making me laugh my ass off. It was a really good day! 

I went to get all my meats and produce and was happy to see that the prices were back to normal. There were also no limits on how much I could purchase which was great! I also got all my water and such from Sam’s Club. I decided against making dinner because it was so hot and I wasn’t that hungry. I just made a sandwich and had bing cherries and chips. 

Today as per usual, I don’t have much to do. I’m going to relax, watch TV and stay cool. Later I’ll do my dishes and make dinner. I’m making Thai Sticky Chicken Fingers, pierogies and corn on the cob. My son actually requested I make this tonight so he better be here for dinner. 

Nothing else to talk about so until next time… have a great day!

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July 7, 2020

you have a good son! your raised him right

July 7, 2020

@kaliko Thank you for saying that. Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong that he makes some of the choices he makes. 

July 7, 2020

So glad you had a great day with your son. These moments make up for all the difficult ones we go through. And… he apologized. Very thoughtful  Happy for you.

Take care

July 7, 2020

You did nothing wrong. He is a teenager their frontal lobe is not even fully developed at his age. You’re a wonderful Mother and I promise he’ll get it together soon ❤

July 7, 2020

I love spending time with my son like that also….It’s just too bad it can not be more often.