Afternoon shopping

Today was grocery shopping day. I got ahold of my son at 2 and picked him up. He came home and unloaded my trunk (the cases of water and Dr.Pepper) then we went to Pulp, a smoothie shop near the grocers. We each had a smoothie and I had a PB&G bowl… it’s a bowl of sliced bananas with peanut butter, granola,  and vanilla yogurt. It was really yummy! My son had a buffalo chicken wrap with his smoothie. Afterwards we did our shopping. I didn’t think I’d spend as much since he’s not really living at home anymore but he still loaded up on things for himself which he decided he’d take with him to where he stays. I don’t mind so much because the way I look at it I’m still responsible for taking care of him. I still receive child support for him so I try to buy him food and clothes when needed. I know he’ll be sharing his food with his roommate but that’s on him. At least this will help him spend less money on fast food. After getting the majority of the groceries we went to Rullis where I get most of my meats and produce. Amazingly today I got in and out quickly. Usually there’s a long line at the meat counter but not today. I was in so much pain though after shopping and still had to put it all away. I hate that part! I had to get creative in how to fit all the food in the fridge. I ran out of room so things are stacked and crammed in there real good. At least I’m done for the month. I only needed a couple of items that I couldn’t find there, less than I usually still have to get afterwards. Now I’m relaxing in my recliner watching Chopped trying to let this pain die down. 

I go up to my room in an hour to read before bed. I always look forward to that! It’s nice climbing into my night shirt and curling up in bed to read awhile. I guess that’s really all I have for today. See you all tomorrow!

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September 3, 2020

Sounds pretty yummy!

and I am getting ready to put something comfy on too