Older dog problems

Last night I noticed my older dog Bailey had a loose bladder. She’s never pottied in the house and I’ve had her 11yrs. I noticed awhile ago that where she was laying on the bottom of my bed was wet after she got up from sleeping there one night. I suspected then that she was experiencing a loose bladder but then yesterday I noticed her dog bed had a huge wet spot after she got up. That confirmed it for me. I’m gonna have to really keep an eye on her. She’s 13yrs old so it doesn’t surprise me this has happened. I just hope she had a long while left before she has to be put down. I went out to Petsmart a little bit ago and bought her a new dog bed. It’s an orthopedic one like the one she had. She’s slowly getting use to it. 

I also had to run to Auto Zone to buy oil and a filter for my dad to do my oil change this coming week. He had 2 cars he’s working on between today and tomorrow so he said he can get to my car a day or so later. He’s always worked on people’s cars, ever since I was little but now it’s really starting to hurt his back. I don’t know how much longer he’ll be able to keep it up. 

I talked to my daughter and we decided that either tomorrow or Sunday we’re going to take the afternoon to shop for fall clothes and go out to lunch together. I also have to stop by Bath and Body Works to buy more lotions and body wash. I stock up a couple months worth away a time. I’m just now starting to get towards the end of my supply. It’ll be nice spending the afternoon together shopping. We haven’t done that together since I use to take her school clothes shopping when she was in high school. I’m looking forward to it!

For the rest of the day I’m running the vacuum and otherwise sitting and relaxing until dinner time. I have no dishes to do today so just gotta make dinner. I’m making Bruschetta Chicken Casserole. It’s not much of a casserole in my opinion… it’s chopped up chicken cooked then put into an 8×8 baking dish topped with chopped up Roma tomatoes and mozzarella with fresh basil and a little balsamic vinegar. It’s enough for me for the night. I’m not going to make anything else with it. 

I’m gonna stop here. Everyone enjoy your day!

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September 4, 2020

I don’t know if it’ll help but can you get doggie diapers?

September 4, 2020

@seablue4u If it happens more often then I’ll have to try that.