Family expanding

30 day challenge: day 13

Write a letter to someone you wish you could forgive. 

This letter is to my second ex husband. We divorced in 2013.


I don’t know that I’ll ever forgive you completely for tearing me away from your kids after our divorce. Why couldn’t you be cordial with me and divorce without a huge fight? Instead you did everything to make the divorce as contentious as can be. You tried your hardest to break me! It wasn’t enough to try and set me on fire. No, you had to try and take everything important to me away. You didn’t succeed in most of it. Thank God for that! But lying to your kids, telling your son that I stole money from him was low! You knew he and I were very close. I was the loving mother that his real mother wouldn’t be and you took that away from both him and me. For that I’m still trying to forgive you. I miss him everyday! My son loves him still and misses him badly. So not only did you hurt me with that but you hurt my son. I’m not sure what you told your girls about me but whatever it was tore or relationship apart. You are the cruelest man I’ve ever met! Why I stayed with you as long as I did and keep trying to keep our marriage together is beyond me! I’m so glad I left you when I did and that I didn’t give any more chances. I only hope you haven’t hurt another woman the way you did me….


So I have some exciting news! My daughter got engaged last night! My baby’s getting married! It makes me feel so old, lol.. When she called me last night and told me I cried! I couldn’t be more happy! Her fiance is a great guy! He treats her amazing! As most of you know, she’s Asexual. She didn’t think she’d ever have a meaningful long term relationship because the few relationships she had the guys would say that they were ok with not ever having sex but eventually they’d get frustrated and things would fall apart. She didn’t know if she’d ever find a man that could accept that. And her fiance does! He loves her the way she is and for what she does offer the relationship. I’m glad to have him as a son in law. 

Another pretty quiet day today. I don’t have anything I really need to do so I’m relaxing with my dogs watching my show. My pork tenderloin is in the crock pot. I’m making a brown sugar balsamic glazed pork tenderloin, baked potatoe and corn for dinner tonight. 

Gotta go take a couple shirts out of the dryer! Take care everyone!

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We are having fish and chips tonight! Congrats on your daughter’s engagement!

January 1, 2021

question? Is it going to be an open marriage where he can “swing”?

January 1, 2021

@jaythesmartone Hell no. That’s not right, not a real marriage in my opinion. 

January 1, 2021

@jaythesmartone It’s not that I can’t be in a relationship. I chose not to because I’m too independent. I like to take care of myself and do things my own way without interference from anyone else. And like I said it’s my opinion that an open marriage isn’t a real marriage. To me and my daughter it’s a commitment to one person. You don’t sleep with others. And her fiance has been with her going on 2yrs. If he was frustrated so much he wouldn’t be with her. He said his sex drive isn’t that big and when he does get the urge he takes care of himself. He doesn’t need sex to be in a committed relationship. 

January 1, 2021

And Jodie, you already screwed up on you’re trying to be a bigger person. What you just said was beyond rude and completely off base. So much for trying to be nicer huh?

January 1, 2021

@jaythesmartone oh hell no! I’m gonna stand up with queen here. How dare you! Aren’t you divorced? Why couldn’t you “even be in a long relationship for any length of time?” I’m not sure how you’re still allowed on this site.

January 1, 2021


What I said was that because she is A sexual she is not interested in sex so i was just asking what her whatever he is going to do when he wants sex? have an open marriage and swing or is he could to be giving himself a hand job and besides she is now divorced and not even in any relationship let alone not a real one. And besides she has failed at every relationship she has had for whatever reason….At least I am in a long term relationship and have been for more then 10 years each time…..

January 1, 2021

@jaythesmartone I didn’t fail in every relationship. I was cheated on in one marriage, cheated on even engaged to my son’s father and physically, mentally, and emotionally abused in the last one. So before you sprout off with bullshit get your facts straight. I have been through hell and back and prefer to be single. That’s not failure!

January 1, 2021


I didn’t say that…..The relationships I am talking about is your marriages you failed at those. And why didn’t you see the signs that these guys really didn’t love you or their children?

January 1, 2021

@jaythesmartone Those were my marriages! I didn’t fail at them. You are the nastiest woman on this site. No wonder everyone blocks you! And my daughter’s father is an amazing man! He made a mistake. We were young when we married. He did love me and he absolutely loves his daughter! My sons father just never grew up and is selfish! My other marriage I didn’t have kids with. You just think you’re perfect and you’re so far from it! Shut up when you don’t know what you’re talking about instead of keep trying to make a point!

January 1, 2021


maybe you are the perfect one and I need to take lessons from you?  How much do you charge an hour?

January 2, 2021

@mamaqueenie518 I agree with what you said in response to Jodies notes and yes I do agree with you that she is the nastiest woman on this site. If I were you I would just block her period

January 1, 2021

Lolz the part were you wrote you feel like your old because your daughter is getting married is really funny

January 1, 2021

Congratulations on your daughter’s engagement.

January 1, 2021

@seablue4u Thank you! I’m thrilled!

January 1, 2021

Congrats to your daughter!! And how awesome that you like him, that’s always a great start 😊

January 2, 2021

Your dinner sounds yummy happy new year

January 2, 2021

Congrats to your daughters engagement