Feeling crappy

I don’t know what’s up with me lately. I feel great all day long! I do my chores and running around with no problems, eat healthy, drink my water all day, etc… then when it comes time to eat while I’m at Marty’s around 8:30 I eat a little bit of dinner then all of a sudden I’m hit with nausea and a hot flash. When I have a hot flash everything ends up annoying me to the extreme too. It’s awful!! I already was a bit annoyed at Marty eating, smacking his lips, talking with food in his mouth and making all kinds of sounds but add a hot flash and it makes it extremely worse for me. I don’t know what’s causing me these problems each night. It’s been 3 nights of this! I hope it doesn’t happen tonight!

Today I finally got my haircut. I was about 2wks overdue and it was long and was looking messy. However, I ended up with a new girl at the salon and she didn’t know how I liked my hair so I had to explain it and she even had trouble with a couple things and had to ask for help with it. Needless to say she razored up too high and didn’t take quite enough off the top. I let it go because I didn’t want her to mess it up anymore. I’ll just have to make sure to get in for the next haircut on time. 

I’m getting quite irritated at the other caregivers at work. They’re trying to get Marty to replace me in a way. Tina has a cousin who is homeless and they (her and Lilly) think it’s be good to have this woman move in and do the cleaning, cooking and taking care of Marty’s needs that I usually do. Lilly just doesn’t like the close friendship that Marty and I have established. She feels threatened.  She told Marty he would save money getting rid of me and taking her in which is ridiculous because he’d have to pay her to do all of that. Marty told them he isn’t getting rid of me! He said I stay… period! They don’t like that. Hell, I’m the cheapest help he has and U do a Hell of alot! 

Also, Angel who use to work there and stole thousands of dollars on his credit cards and who constantly begged for more money all the time messaged me the other day to tell Marty that her son Shaun passed away that morning. He was 17 yrs old and had cerebral paulsey (spelled wrong I know). He had a very severe case. He couldn’t talk, eat, walk, anything. He wasn’t suppose to live this long. It’s very sad! I couldn’t imagine losing a child. I feel for her but it won’t surprise me if she begs money off of Marty now for funeral expenses. And knowing Marty the way I do, he’d do it. These people all use him as an ATM. I’m glad I don’t have to see any of them often. I think Lilly is going to Marty’s on Sunday to watch the game with him because she says she misses him and because they’re supposedly back in a relationship. So I will see her then. I’ll have to bite my tongue around her. I feel like our friendship has really almost fallen apart. I can’t trust her. She’s two faced. 

Well I’m gonna go finish my laundry and make my strawberry spinach feta salad for my dinner tonight. It’s enough for at least 2 meals plus enough to send some my mom’s way. Have a good day friends! Take care!

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September 25, 2021

So much drama with just a handful of people.  I am glad you have been able so far to stay out of the mess.  🙂

September 26, 2021

Too much drama! You are such a kind, honest, competent, hard-working, loyal worker and genuine friend to Marty. He probably doesn’t know what to make of you because all his other workers and so-called ‘friends’ are users. Keep being your sweet self. You are above all this mess. I think it helps to know that you can walk away at any time, in terms of losing your job not being a life-or-death situation. Marty knows he’s lucky to have you on his side. The others? They are probably threatened by you.

September 26, 2021

Good job on continuing to stay out of the drama.

Sorry about the random nausea and hot flashes. Hope you get a break from that soon!

September 27, 2021

I hope you feel better soon! I hate nausea. I get it frequently at night. 🙁 I’m sorry there’s so much drama going on 🙁