Jodies Questions

These were questions Jodie asked…

If you had a fire in your house or apartment what is the one thing you would save? Besides my dogs it would be my photo albums. 

What is it you are the most scared about? A house fire and losing one or both of my children. 

Who is the most important in your life? My kids

If someone you loved died would you cry for long? Or realize that they are in a better place and not suffering?  Do you think the crying over a person has died is selfish? I would cry alot even though they’re in a better place. I don’t think crying over someone you love dying is selfish at all. 

Do you recycle your organics, and garbage and paper products? What about your electronics where do you take them when they have gone to heaven? I don’t recycle. I should but I don’t and any electronics that have went bad just went into the garbage. 

If you only had a very short time to live what would you do and where would you go? And would you waste your time doing your bad habits? I would make sure I spent as much time as possible with my kids and if I could afford it I’d go to Punta Cana or Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go to those two places.  And I don’t have any bad habits so no problem there. 

Has there ever been a time when you just don’t care anymore? No

have you ever given up on someone for a really stupid reason? Or was it a good reason? I’ve only ever given up on men I’ve married or dated and I always had a good reason. 

who is the one person in this world you love and hate at the same time? No one

And who character is the one you always protect? My kids

Would you think that Ecuador is the middle of the world? No clue and don’t care

What is the hardest thing you ever had to do? Watch as my daughter packed up and moved 3 hrs away to live with her dad. 

Have you ever had a job that you hated so much that you just up and quit with no warning to your boss? Yes, I worked at a heart surgeon’s office and the office manager was really awful to us in the records department. My daughter was sick and she had to stay home from school but the manager wouldn’t allow me to stay with her so I just told her I quit and never went back. 

Do you remember the last time you felt like you were going to die but didn’t? I almost got into an accident on the freeway because of the ice. A semi almost ran me off the road and another almost hit me after I slid and spun around. 

Do you cry more when a person dies or your pet dies? Equal amounts for both

Are pets really that replaceable? I don’t look at it as they are replaceable. If a pet dies then you can get another but the loss is still major. You just have enough love for another pet. But it’s not the same. 

If you could have children at the age you are right now would you? Absolutely not. Only because I’m not in any physical shape to care for a baby or small child again. 

Who do you think was the best president?  Who is the worst? The best in my opinion was Obama and the worst is Trump. 

If you could go to any place except where you are now where would you go? To visit, it would be Hawaii or Punta Cana but to live it would be Florida only if all my family moved there too.

Is it true that if there is more then one child in a family that there is always one that is the most favorite?  If this is true which one is it? Maybe with some people but not for me. I love my children an equal amount.

Do you think the human race is selfish and only looking out for number one? I don’t think about those things. 

Have you ever heard of read light cameras? Do you know what they are for? No clue

Have you ever noticed that at every election that there is always a list of what people think is the most important?  Like here in B.C. it’s housing, jobs and Medicare and the homeless. Yes I know and everyone had different ideas of what they think is most important. 

Other then voting Trump out what is the most important things that your country needs? Housing? Jobs? MedicalDon’t really know..I think they’re all important equally. 

Why is it people give up so easily?  Especially when it comes to new so called friends? And would you ever tell a so called friend what it is you don’t like about them?  And do you think they would try to change that? I don’t think everyone gives up so easy. Sure some people do but not everyone. I have told my friends what I don’t like about them and they’ve told me what they don’t like about me.  When you’re close friends you should feel free to be completely open with each other. And I wouldn’t expect them to change for me. There’s going to be likes and dislikes with everyone but you should accept them not make them change who they are. 

Did you know that yesterday is now a part of history?  Do you think you will remember yesterday? I will remember yesterday till the next day takes its place unless something significant happens to imprint that day in my mind. 

Have you ever told a bold face lie? Yes I have.  I think everyone has at one time or another. 

Have you ever stolen money from your parents? Never

What is the stupidest thing you have ever did and wish you never did it? I married my ex husband. I never should have. 

Is life really what you make it to be? Absolutely

Do you think people who have to struggle are a lot stronger in what they want to achieve in the end? Not necessarily

Do you think a person who owns everything out right is more happy then those who have to pay for everything and save and struggle? Everyone who owns things outright had to pay for it just like those who struggle and save to own things. I think we’re all equally happy for what we own no matter how we came to own it. 

Would you trade you life for something different? If I had to make a choice to trade my life for that of my child I would. 

What is the one seasoning you use the most? Salt and pepper

What is your favorite meal? Steak and baked sweet potato or Cheese ravioli or stuffed shells. Can’t choose… they’re my favorites. 

What would you do if your best friend died? Would you think that because they didn’t look after themselves that they deserved to die? That’s an awful question. If my best friend died I’d cry like I lost a member of my family because my best friends are my family. Whether they looked after themselves or not never means they deserve to die. 

Have you ever watched someone die? I saw people close to me dying of Cancer but that’s as close to watching someone die that I’ve come. 

Do you think people die because of a disease they had or their heart just stops? People die for all sorts of reasons. 

Is people more important then “stuff”? Yes people are more important than stuff to me anyway. 

How much do you really hate me and what I stand for? I don’t hate you but I think you can be very ridiculous at times and think you can be very mean about certain things. 

Do you know what I care about the most? Probably your son

Have you ever just given up on someone? Only ex’s that I can think of. 

Have you ever wished bad things to happen to people?  yes you can include Trump is this one. Not really bad things just like wished my ex would go broke and see what it’s like to struggle, that kind of thing. Nothing serious. I’m not a mean person. I don’t wish I’ll on other people. 

If you got  robbed what do you think would be taken? Would you really care? I was robbed a couple of times and my stereo was taken at one time, my son’s things were taken the second time along with my narcotic medication. 

Do you think being above ground is a good thing? Of course it is

Do you have an earth quake kit? No, we don’t really get earthquakes here. 

Are you ready for an earth quake?  Where would you go to protect yourself? Nope, they don’t really happen where I live. 

If there was a fire would you really care if the only person you save was yourself? or would you save your “stuff”? I would save my pets and try to save all my photo albums. Memories are important. 

What do you think was the worst disaster in the whole world? I don’t know, there were many.

Have you ever lived threw a pandemic  other then this one? Nope

Do you know anyone who has lived threw a disaster? Not really

Is life really all that it’s cracked up to be?  or is life what effort you put into it? Life is what you make it, what you put into it. 

Do you think who ever has the most toys wins the contest when they die? There is no contest. 

Other then your home what is the next most expensive thing you have boughtMy car

How much do you think it cost to raise a child in the 1960’s? And how much is it today? I have no idea because I didn’t live in the 60’s. And today I don’t really know either because my kids are grown. 

What is the worst thing any of your children have done? Gone to jail? Steal? or just lied? My son, it would be him selling pot. And my daughter, maybe lying when she was younger. Neither really gets into trouble. 

have you ever hurt someone to get them back for something they did to you? I didn’t hurt someone on purpose to get back at them. I did what I needed to to make me happy and it hurt them. 

If you could trade your life in for something better would you? Don’t really know what you mean by that. Trade it for a better life? If so, I’d love to have a little more money to help with bills and own my house so I’d never have to worry about moving again. Otherwise I’m happy with my life. 

Did you know cheese whiz is one chemical away from plastic? Had no clue but I also don’t eat cheese whizz so it doesn’t matter to me. 


That’s all of the questions she had for now. 

Today is just another quiet day. I don’t have much going on. Just relaxing and watching Mistresses then going to make dinner later. I’m just making up some Hot Sausage and Fried Zucchini. No special recipes today. 

I picked up my son last night and took him to visit with his sister again. He wasn’t going to stay the night because I guess she doesn’t want anyone staying. Apparently this shooting thing did have to do with drugs. The new story is that there was supposed to be a set up and the guy that’s on life support was conspiring someone to rob the other guy off his drugs and money bought something went wrong he was shot. Then the little boy screamed which made the shooter mad so he shot the kid twice to shut him up. That’s when the women tried to stop him and he shot them. No one knows if this is true or not with all the lies being told but so far it makes the most sense with what the text messages indicate. 

Well that’s all on my end. Have a great day everyone. 

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September 27, 2020

good answers and yes, we think very much a like

September 27, 2020

it’s just really sad that people would shoot a toddler twice.

Thank you for answering the questions.