Taking inventory

I decided today to clean out my pantry and see what all I have and don’t have. From trying all these different recipes over the last year I’ve really acquired all kinds of ingredients. I found that I have 4 different kinds of oils… Canola, Vegetable, Extra Virgin Olive and Sesame.  I only regularly use the olive oil but occasionally I find I need one of the others. And I have 4 different vinegars… white, red wine, balsamic and apple cider. Again I find I use only one of them monthly and that’s the Apple Cider Vinegar. Every once in awhile I need one of the others. I have many different condiments including probably 5 different BBQ sauces because of my son. I only ever use 2 of them. I’ve also got all kinds of baking ingredients. I guess that’s why when I decide to bake something I usually don’t have to buy much if anything to make it because I have most of what I need. The next thing is to clean out my refrigerator. I’m not looking forward to that. I know I have alot in there that I’ve only had to use once or twice. Now they just take up room. 

Right now I’m making Crispy Garlic Parmesan Chicken with zucchini for dinner. My chicken breasts are thick even cut lengthwise in half so they’re taking longer than what the recipe says they should. Earlier I made a dozen Cranberry Orange Muffins. My favorite!! I’ve eaten 2 already. I swear I could eat them all day. Them and ice cream is my weakness. I could eat ice cream all day if I allowed myself to. 

I’m finishing my son’s laundry and will bring it to him tomorrow. I forgot it was downstairs and went about making my muffins earlier when my son messaged me asking me to bring it to him. Luckily I got half of it done yesterday so I brought him an outfit for now. 

That’s all that’s going on here today. I hope everyone has had a good day!

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November 9, 2020

I love ice cream YUM and those cranberry orange muffins sound really good

November 9, 2020

Some of the things you have in the fridge can go into the pantry….And maybe now it’s time to see if there is a best before date and get rid of them? I really hate going threw my pantry and fridge and even cupboards but it’s something that gets done so we can get rid of the old and replace it with the new….Maybe when you are done yours you can come and help me do mine?

November 9, 2020

@jaythesmartone Nothing in my fridge can go in the pantry. It’s in the fridge because it is to be refrigerated once opened. And there’s nothing in there that has gone bad. I clean it out often enough that I know everything is still within the best used by date.