Change in plans

Wasn’t sure I was gonna write today. I don’t have anything really going on. I visited with mom this morning as usual then went home to take my dogs out and have a couple of muffins. While eating my son messaged me ready for his clothes so I took them to him. Afterwards I just worked on a puzzle and watched Blacklist. It has a hell of alot of twists and turns. Today really upset me and made me cry. Something happened that I really didn’t expect. I cry over movies, TV shows, books… I’m a softie!

I just got through putting together my stuffed shells for dinner and getting them in the oven. I’m hungry and can’t wait to eat them. 

I got a message a little bit ago from my brother telling me Thanksgiving dinner is at his house again this year. I told him how my mom had said we weren’t doing that so I made alternate plans. He’s fine with that however they’re all still going to have dinner there while I’m at my daughter’s boyfriend’s grandmother’s. I’m not going to switch plans because that would be rude. I’m already delegated to make sweet potatoe casserole and a dessert so I’m not going to let them down.  

Also I decided not to get the pandora bracelet with charms for my mom for her birthday. My brothers and I were going to go in together and pay for it but I found that she needed a couple of other things and decided to get her some of her essential oils for her diffuser and for Christmas her electric blanket. She’d get more use out of those. She doesn’t go anywhere really or do anything so she’d only be wearing the bracelet at home. I figured the other stuff is a better idea. 

I guess that’s all for today. Take  care everyone!

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November 10, 2020

Here we are only allowed to have our immediate family that lives in the same house plus the 6 people we have been around since the start of this virus and Christmas might be the same or just with the house hold.

November 11, 2020

@jaythesmartone The aren’t that many people in our family even if we had the same rule which I don’t think we do. 

November 11, 2020


Question? Don’t you think that the less number of people at these holiday gatherings would force the virus to be under more control and not so many people will get sick and die?

November 11, 2020

@jaythesmartone I don’t think it’ll make much of a difference. 

November 11, 2020


Actually it does…Just keep an eye on B.. and Toronto….

And if you really understand how this virus spreads then you would want to not be near anyone.  It goes from person to person and it really doesn’t matter if you are wearing a mask or not because all you have to do is touch someone or bump into them. Look at the science of how this virus spreads then you might change your mind.

November 11, 2020

@jaythesmartone I know how the virus spreads Jodie, I just don’t think not being around your family on holidays is going to really make a difference in the numbers. I think we need more mask wearing throughout the US than the numbers will go down. I don’t need you to tell me how things work. I already know plus you repeat the same stuff over and over and over again. 

November 11, 2020


I know but the thing is you don’t know if someone has been exposed and just because they don’t have symptoms doesn’t mean you can get it then you are allowing those in your community being exposed to it…

November 11, 2020

@jaythesmartone Jodie, you tell us this stuff all the time. You don’t need to say it yet again. I just don’t think it would make a big difference.