Busy, yet lazy, week

So much has happened this week. I got called out of nowhere to help a friend take care of their dog. Tilly is very sweet but she is huge. She seems like a great dane/dalmation mix. Smokey loves having a sister around. She does get very aggressive with her food. I had to tackle her off of Smokey at one point. She also has a mind of her own. She doesn’t mind just going out and getting lost. She gets very anxious in the car. I have to control her head cause she will just go loose and hit the gear shift. She loves head pats and treats, and barking at anything that moves outside. Kinda ridiculous, but we love her for her aloofness.

I also won the board. It was surprisingly easy. They liked me as soon as I said my bio and asked me to represent in the soldier of the quarter board. I also got a meeting with a higher up for my soldier integration project that went nowhere in the past. My own leaders didn’t see the value in it because they look at our job in such a small window. I don’t need validation from anyone, but it is certainly nice to know that I have been on the right track for sure.

My presentation went well too. I was surprised by how much time was given to me. Usually I get a “5 minute pitch” type deal which doesn’t interest me if I am talking about organizational change. Now I need to focus on being a sergeant. I hope to gain the trust of my soldiers and make sure we are capable of anything thrown at us.

I also started my precal class. I have been kinda lazy doing it this first week. It is important. Take it seriously, dip!

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