A gun? Me?

Recalling an odd dream from this morning: I was to be given a gun. I’m not entirely sure why. I think I signed up for some kind of volunteer public safety thing. There was a group of us waiting to be “assessed” by a group of law enforcement people and though they looked a little sketchy to me, the group of us waiting for our guns were a sketchy bunch too. One woman was turned away for having a “gang tattoo”. One was turned away because she admitted to smoking pot that morning. Those of us that “passed” were asked to go to lunch then come back after. I went and had lunch with a former co-worker at our former employer. Then somehow we ended up in her home replacing a dishwasher, only to have the house catch fire from some faulty wiring. I left there and went back to get my gun but I was late. They were surprised to see me but said I was in luck and they had one for me but no carrying case for it. One of my current coworkers was one of the people distributing the guns. And that’s it. That’s all I remember. I suppose the subject of guns creeping into my dreams isn’t too far fetched given the current events.  I don’t have a clear view on guns quite honestly. I grew up in a family of hunters. I respect those who engage in the sport of hunting. What I do believe is this –  there is no earthly need for weapons produced for war to be in the hands of anyone who is not in the military actively protecting our country. There is no sport in using a weapon that can fire many multiple rounds per second for hunting. And I do believe the gun manufacturers and the gun lobby have stretched the 2nd Amendment to its furthest margins.

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