Weekend wrap up

So here I am. Another Monday morning. Was a good weekend. Snow storm was fun. Keeps things interesting – never boring. I didn’t get to work until 10:30 on Fri. Didn’t do a lot while I was here. But I was here. Fri nite was 50th b-day celebration for a friend. It was close to home. Fun time. Sat was supposed to be a paint event for D but it got cancelled (a second time!) due to the weather. So we went out to the ski hill for a few hours. The snow was so wet and thick. My quads were screaming! I’m so glad we went. D and her friend skied together the whole time. S did not want to ski. Makes me kind of sad because when he does ski (rarely and reluctantly) we have fun as a family. We only stayed a few hours as S had a b-day party to go to. D stayed to ski with her friend and his family. Then went back to their house for dinner and gaming. We got S to his party and OMG H and I had a few uninterrupted hours to ourselves! We lit up a bowl and well….wow!  Just wow! I love it when we get those rare opportunities. It’s incredible! After our little party we made a fire and had a nice dinner. Later on I picked up D.  She was on fire! She had so much for at her friend’s house. Really nice family. They played Wii boxing and she beat them all. She was so proud of that! Cute as can be! She went be bed shortly after getting home. She was tired.~~~Sunday I went for a brisk walk in the morning. It was sunny and cold and a lot of snow on the paths but it was so nice to get out. Sunday breakfast with D and then S came home about 11. H and I took a ride up north to look at a car-rooftop carrier for our trip in April. He found it on ebay. Was a good deal so we bought it. D and I read for the rest of the day. S could not sit still so he was out and about around the neighborhood. He was exhausted but never gives into it. After dinner we watched Evan Almighty. Really funny family movie. Everyone liked it a lot. We didn’t get to finish it – ½ hour to go so we’ll finish it tonight. As a result of S’s exhaustion he was miserable at the end of the day. He broke an iphone cable because he was trying to force it. That did not go over well with H. Ugh. After I got everyone tucked in it was off to read for me. I need to finish my book by Thurs eve. I think I’ll get it done.~~~So here I am. Trying to be positive. Trying to work. I just need to ask questions. Not be afraid to ask questions. What am I afraid of? Is it fear? Is it just disinterest ? I think it’s more disinterest. I just have nothing for this place. This kind of work. Anymore. Teaching? Well, teaching……. I have my TA cert. I am registered to sub in a local district. I’ve been getting calls non-stop to do that. The pay is terrible. And then this: S asked me who keeps calling me from a particular phone number.  It’s the school sub list auto call. I told him. He said “mom – don’t become a teacher” I asked why.  He said “because there are too many school shootings”. How heart wrenching is that? Not concerned for himself.  Concerned for me. He’s an incredible boy with a huge heart. But what do I do to help him with this fear? It’s not something he should be worried about. What a time to be a kid. What did I worry about at 11 years old? I have no idea. But it wasn’t fear that someone armed with military type weapons was going to come into my school and go on a murderous rampage. I firmly believe that the only way to stem the tide of kids that grow up thinking this is an answer is to teach empathy. If it isn’t being taught in the home (which it evidently isn’t) then educators of all kinds need to step up and teach it outside the home. Nuff for now. Off to work I go hi-ho.

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March 5, 2018

You are right about empathy – there is not enough in the world, and kids can’t be taught it too early. It is like a skill that they have to learn, thinking always of the feelings of others.

March 7, 2018

@thediarymaster Our electronic world only makes it worse I believe. Our primary means of communication is by text message. We rarely look in peoples eyes and have a conversation with them. This is – I believe – why empathy is declining. When you look in someone’s eyes and have a conversation you have more of an emotional connection with them. When you text – you don’t. Just my 2 cents.

March 7, 2018

@marathonmama that is so true, the disconnect of electronic communications makes it too easy to not care about the feelings of the person on the other side.