Day without painkillers

Hi again!
Today’s been good day…
Day without painkillers!
Of course there’s been pain…
But it wasn’t so hard
So I feel good!
Whata good feeling it is!

Love You All!!! <3


Dear Encyclopedia Brown, once You’ve written that You believe one day You came there and read that I am 100%healthy.
Now I am not 100% healthy but I feel like I am 90% healthy.
It’s big progress…
Thank You and All readers who believe in me and pray for me…
It’s big thing <3

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Thank you for the P.S. note to me. It makes me feel good to help with any inspiration and good thoughts to say and send to you. Though the miles (and that huge ocean) separates us, it makes me feel good to hear about how you are doing. 90% health is great. While it isn’t your ultimate goal, it is definitely a great step forward for you and a big milestone on the way to where you want to get toagain. I know you can do it. I know you WILL do it. Why? Because I know that YOU have the determination to make it happen. 🙂 *HUGS x 100* 😀