
It’s like I am bored with everything what is around me. With negative emotions that are everywhere. I feel so different to other people my age. I have holidays now and I feel like redefinition is something I truly need. But where to start? How should I do it? I don’t really know.

I feel like I know what should inspire me. What should be my end. How I should look like, behave. I should be myself.

I have always been afraid that I am different and that I shouldn’t  show it up. I have been thinking that maybe I can change myself. My habitats, my life, my body, my mid… But it was one big fail. I miss times when I was myself. I was so happy to be myself. I was kinda proud of my difference. I have to come back to those times. I tried to feel good in Polish society. But this is harder than it should. Because I can’t give up my mind. I can’t give up my dreams of seeing Australia and USA! I can’t stop watching pictures, dreaming that I move somewhere where the temperature is hot and there is no snow. I can’t stand thinking that it’s way too late to me to become foreign exchange student in USA. Damn! You don’t know how much I want that. I want California. When I said to my friends that I am considering universities abroad they looked at me as if I were crazy. But they just don’t understand the HUGE need of world that is growing in my hearth every day. I can’t be like them. I can’t concentrate on my small piece of Poland. I can’t stop crying take me away from there!

I suffer at my school. I was artist when I went there. But they killed my creativity so fast. They killed artist. Who I am now? I even don’t really know? I have been wondering who I am whole junior year! And I don’t know. I want to be artist back! I want to be creative! I know that I can’t be creative at extended math exam… But it’s not the reason to kill my creativity.

I was happy, smiling girl. Who I am now? I have depression. I don’t like my body. I hate myself for not being invited for parties. I hate myself for everything. I don’t smile that often. It hurts. I don’t know if it really should look like that. Sorry, I know! It can’t look like that. It can’t! I can’t let myself for being depressed. I can’t hurt myself anymore! But I can’t be like my mates. I can’t get drunk. I can’t smoke. First I am a lady. And I repeat this to me every single day. That I am lady, that ladies don’t drink too much. My boyfriend is lucky to have a lady. But being a lady isn’t in fashion. It’s like the more you drink the cooler you are. I am not a party animal, and never felt like I should. But people don’t talk to me. It’s waste of time to tell me what happened last Friday. I understand it. I miss times when I didn’t care… I like my difference. I want to be proud of it back.

I want to be happy to show up my difference. I want that. Really. And I feel like redefining myself is something I truly need. I have to sit and think. Consider what should be back, what should be changed, what should stay. Because it’s not that I think I need no change. NO!!! It’s more like I need change because I fail at some matters. I fail at being self-confident. I can’t fail! I never give up, so I am going to work on it. My boyfriend is amazing he helps me a lot. My love to him is the only thing I wasn’t ashamed of. I am proud to be his girlfriend and I am so lucky to have such amazing boyfriend. 

I have to stop being scared of what my friends are going to say. I have to stop being sad because of being ignored. I was hipster way before it became so popular. I am an artist, artists have never been accepted and understood. People don’t understand that there may be people that speak two languages. That they live in Poland since birth, but Polish is a difficult language to them, that they don’t understand. I know that I am not going to change the World in one boring entry. BTW is anyone still reading? please leave note if you are still riding this… I don’t even know ho to call it. so, let’s back to the main topic. But maybe this entry is the beginning of my transformation. Maybe I’ll change into something beautiful. I hope so.

I want to be, proud of myself, me.

It’s 9pm… I am going to eat sth. And tomorrow… It’s going to be an amazing day. I am proud not to speak nor Polish nor English perfectly.

Good night.

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July 8, 2013

The ONLY thing that is stoping you is yourself Donr you ever give up your dreams!!! Chin up you have the right to be yourself do be different to be odd to be you..the is only one person you’re going to need permission from is your self xxx

July 8, 2013

You speak English very well. And you seem like a really good person; Don’t worry about being different than others your age. Trust me, it’s a good thing that you are different. Your biyfriend is lucky to have a girlfriend like you. I like the fact that you are a lady and not like most teenagers these days. You deserve to be respected. I can relate to your depression. Hang in there!!!