Another day in…

Well, not in paradise for sure. Sitting here at work, bored as hell. It’s sunny outside and I would love to be out there instead of sitting inside. I still have 1,5 hours to go before I get off.
Been working, but our software’s are so slow that I have plenty of time to read my bookmarks here. I haven’t been updating for ages, but I have been reading.

There is nothing to update really. My life is the same boring way that it has been for ages. I should do something about it, but I’m too tired. Just waiting for my vacation this summer. I get full 4 weeks and I intend to keep 3 straight and save one week for Fall. If I still work here. If not, I can just keep it earlier or take it out as money. No biggie.
My weekends seem to fly by too fast. And I’m so in need of a vacation.
I started this online course in college (php programming) and I should do the assignments since first 3 needs to be returned next Sunday. I had some problems with setting up the environment for coding, and just didn’t have time to do any last weekend. I really suck at programming, but I’m trying to get better since it will help me to find better job from my own field.

It’s scary to notice how people are pairing up, getting married, having kids etc when I’m in standstill. I haven’t been on a date for years, and I don’t wonder at all why that is so. I know. It’s painful, but that’s life. So I just keep on going with my boring life that has no action whatsoever. I have no choice.

Oh well, I highly doubt that anyone will read this, but it’s little update. I’m still alive. Barely.


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