For strawberry jelly

That’s my big boy Leo. He really is a sweetie. I am going to take more pictures of him for y’all… he is a Flemish giant fyi. He’s my baby.
I’ve been awake since 3am. I’m listening to Ke$ha rn. She has good beats. I have to go to the loo pretty soon… I am thinking of going to Krazy Binz soon. Maybe Monday or Wednesday. I can’t wait! I just hope it doesn’t snow that day. I seriously am pumped for this!
Today is Saturday, Caturday, Saturdog or whatever… I am just going to relax with my girls. I might watch a movie or two. 🤷 I am going to get water now as I’m really thirsty.
Have a good day.
He’s lovely 🐇 Have a great day ahead
@nadiaaa thank you 😊
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I had a bunny like that. He would sit still and let you pet him…but they are awfully messy!
@solovoice my Leo is just like that ☺️
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@ihavenoarms thanks Todd 😊
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