
** It has been over a month since I’ve had sex. I’m really starting to rethink this not having sex on the first date rule I’m made for myself. it can’t hurt to break it just once…

So i moved. I’m in the new apartment right now. I have a lot of unpacking to do. The apartment is a disaster. The only room that is semi-clean is Parker’s room. I put his bed together this morning and put sheets on it. There isn’t much else in there at the moment. Everything is in the living room. I need to find his comforter. I don’t remember where i packed it. I’m hoping I didn’t leave it in the storage unit. I have a feeling I’m going to end up having to go back there. I’m sure there are other things I forgot as well. There is still quite a bit in there.

I am going to paint my living room and bedroom and bathroom. They painted the bedrooms, living room and bathroom with flat paint which is just fucking stupid when you have a child. Not to mention I can’t stand the way it feels when I brush my hand against the wall. I’m going to paint the living room a sagish green with a hint of blue. I don’t really know how to describe the color. I’m going to paint my bedroom a blue-grey and I’m painting the bathroom violet. Yes violet. I always wanted a pale violet room. I figure the bathroom is small enough to where I won’t get sick of it super fast.

i need to also run errands today. I have to go to DES and I need to go to my parents house and get the rest of my stuff. I still have most of my clothes that i’ve been wearing there and Parker has a bunch of toys there.

I’m back on my father’s good side. He is upset that I’m moving out (even though he wanted me to…go figure). Whatever, I’ll take what I can get.

I spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday moving. I moved most of the stuff by myself. No one can EVER call me lazy again. I moved 2 couches and Parker’s bed from the storage unit into the cargo van all by myself. There was no ramp so I even had to lift them. i have pictures haha, but I am not going to post them now because I need to shower and adding pictures takes up too much extra time. My sister helped me get some of the stuff into the apartment and then my mom helped on Saturday. I rented a lovely child molester van to move my stuff. My storage unit is out in florence and is over 50 miles from my new apartment. I was coming from my parents house which is over 80 miles from the storage unit so I didn’t want to pay the mileage that I would have had to pay with a Uhaul.

So far its nice having my own place. Its a mess though and thats bugging me. After my errands and what not today I have some major unpacking to do. I don’t think I can really even start until Parker goes to bed anyway.

Ok I really have to go. Parker is getting into everything and I need to stop him.




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March 2, 2009

awesome! im glad your move went well!!

March 2, 2009

** I has been over a month since I’ve had sex. When you hit 3 months, come talk to me sweetheart. I am the KING of the Lack-O-Poon Empire. And I’m freakin married!

March 2, 2009

I moved 2 couches and Parker’s bed from the storage unit into the cargo van all by myself. Damn! You must be a freakin amazon! Impressive feat of strength!

March 2, 2009

LOL Yeah that no sex limitation was meant to be broken 😉

March 2, 2009


March 2, 2009

you must post pictures of the new place!your dad sounds more fickle than a damned teenage girl! :P♥

March 2, 2009
March 2, 2009

where is your new place at?

March 4, 2009

Thanks for the offer but I would hate for Parker to get sick – even if the chances are slim. This RSV stuff is just awful. 🙁 If I can’t figure anything else out for Thursday I will keep you in mind. However, with her being sick its meant lack of sleep for me which is making me feel miserable too so I might just not go to Thursdays class.

March 4, 2009

*ryn* I’m hoping bythe time she turns 4 she starts listening,lmao. 89? Shit, I’m moving there. Cold weather sucks. I’d much rather it be hot lemmie tell you.

March 7, 2009

ryn: I know, it’s been ages! Unfortunatly, I have a wedding to go to today and youth group tomorrow and Josh’s aunt is coming over for dinner on Sunday so I have to do cleaning and cooking toay and tomorrow so I’m pretty busy this weekend. Next weekend we have a wedding in Tucson, but I have spring break the week of the 16th. Maybe we can catch dinner this coming week or we can meet up the next?