And the beat goes on …

The day before yesterday I found out that my boss of 23 years, the best boss one could hope for, is handing in his resignation. I had to hold back tears. Another loss. He expects to be completely gone by early December, because bosses have to give HR three months’ notice.

I have no love for 2018. I know it’s one day at a time, but if one expands that to encompass a year, this one is very bad.

I REALLY hope I can start writing about better things here. I hate being a Debbie Downer. I hope that at least my outlook changes at some point soon; that I (even temporarily) move past the darkness I see all around at the moment. This is just not who I am, or at least not how I want to be! I guess for this day, at this time, it’s my reality. Here’s to better entries coming soon. Or not …

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September 7, 2018

Sorry about your boss leaving.

2018 has been a pretty bad year. Thankfully, it’s over in three months, and 2019 will be a whole other year. Hopefully it won’t let us down, again.

September 9, 2018

You are never looked at as a debbie downer. You’ve had a shit year, and no need to fake it here in your journal, where you should be allowed to be open and free. Hopefully next year the sun shines your way.