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March 30, 2005

Congrats and a Hug,

March 30, 2005

Wow! Thirty days! Don’t let things get to you now. There can be tremendous strength in quietness. You’ve done it. The rest is just hanging in.

The pain of it will pass as will your current opinion of yourself. Hugs and congratulations on 30 days!

March 30, 2005

Impressive, 30 days , Wow !!!!

Gentle and quiet congratulations to you 🙂 30 days is a big Wow! It’s not unusual to feel exactly like you do at this point. Changes continue for a while. You will find ways to manage and that life gets better past these times. We are so very proud of you. Hope you have a good day all around. Just let our great opinions of you balance out any discomforts, OK? You’re fabulous 🙂 Huggles,

Check your favorite of…Someone named Gripper has you, me FD and others on favorites but no diary entry. Diary begun 29th. Perhaps a lurker

I’ve blocked Gripper. It’s sneaky not asking leaving a note or having a diary entry for others to see. Silent lurkers we can’t do anything about. Gripper is either naive about the OD or just brazen. Sorry if this has worried you, you are a friend and wanted to protect you in case…In case what? In case vampire bites your lovely neck 😉

March 30, 2005

30 days! You never thought you could do it, did you? Way to go!!!P.S. Do some research – quitting changes your biochemical balance & often brings on depression or whatever. Forewarned is forearmed.

March 30, 2005

I`m plain jealous of you! You`ve already hammered one demon, now you`ve another layin`at your feet. Thirty Days is AMAZING! Cheers for you! And could I have some motivational tips please?!

March 30, 2005

Sending you a big hug, and congratulations on 30 days. 🙂

March 30, 2005

30 days rocks! Be sure to be good to you and do whatever you need. xo

I feel just like that whenever I get out on the dance floor or try and demonstrate dance floor moves I’ve recently learned to my staff! Be good to yourself!

March 30, 2005

In the stillness one may find what’s true about one’s self.


I think it was somewhere around my Day 30 that I happened upon a piece about Commitment that spoke of developing a “do whatever it takes” mentality/approach to the task at hand. It was also around that point when I wrote a “Dear Nic” goodbye letter; it was a “turning point” of sorts. You’re doing the right thing, I promise; hang tough, and it’ll get easier down the road (another promise).