Today…no wait yesterday..oh how I am still awake

Today is my mother birthday. Happy birthday mother. Well I do not have cancer, but I am sterile. I am cool with that. I went ahead and had it finallized to prevent complications. I do have mass endometreosis as well which explains a lot. This is all meaning less though at this point.
Many people hate their bosses. I know I’ve been there. I do not hate my boss now, I love him like a brother. And now he lies in a hospital bed and we do not know if he will live or die. His brain is swelling and a bone plate has been removed from his head. There are blood clots in his brain, and hemoraging in his brain stem. The doctors believe he will still die and if he does not die he will have massive brain damage and loss of motor ability and cognative skills. He is an artist. A beautiful tattoo artist with a skill unmatched except by his former apprentice. People are traumatized and teary eyed. They want to touch hands and to embrace each other is fear, saddness, and with comfort. I did nt wish to be touched. I am the stone. Indestructable, unimpenatrable, and with each touch they wear away at my sand stone layers of resolve. How can I compete with there insistance to offer me comfort
A motorcycle accident.

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