“I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day.”

Things have been turning around quite a bit recently. I just had my 21st birthday this past Saturday, the baby is doing great and Nick and I are getting along better than ever. I don’t really think I could ask for more. And this is great cause as I’m typing this I’m listening to music and the baby is just bouncing around. This is prolly the first time I’ve felt constant movement like this.

On Tuesday of last week I went to the doctors just to see how the baby was doing at 17 weeks. My mother went with me since Nick was working. We decided to try and be healthy and take the stairs instead of the elevater. That was a horrible idea… I felt like I was going to pass out after we finally made it up the 6 flights. Yeah fuck ever doing that again. Well I got into my appointment and luckily my blood pressure was still only 120/68 even after my lil journey on the stairs. Plus I’ve lost 13 pounds now. Which is great, I mean I’m not trying to loose weight at all. I’m just eating better and trying to get excersize. The doctor said it was fine and even if it continues I don’t need to worry, just as long as I’m getting enough of the right stuff in the day and the baby keeps growing correctly. When the doctor went to hear the heart beat he couldn’t so of course I start to get a lil nervous, but he had me go to the ultrasound room with him and he just did it that way. He let me know that he doesn’t really do abdominal ultrasounds so we wouldn’t get any really good pictures but this way he could see where the heart was so he could focus and hear it. The heartbeat was 156 bpm and the lil one was just jumping around everywhere. At first it didn’t even click then I was like… oh my god… that’s my baby… turning and moving their arms and legs…. I wanted to start crying but I wouldn’t let myself. After all that I set up my ultrasound for next month where I actually get to find out the gender and see some good pictures. I scheduled it so that Nick and I could go together this time. He’s sooo excited since he hasn’t gotten to go to any of the appointments so far.

Then my birthday was pretty amazing as well. I mean yeah sure I couldn’t go drinking but it’s never been something that I do that often anyway. My mom got me some maternity shirts, a ring, and pretty much the sweetest birthday card EVER. It just says "Daughter. You may be all grown up now." Then you open it up and it starts playing My Girl by The Temptations and it says "But you’ll always be my lil girl" PRETTY MUCH ADORABLE I KNOW! So that made me tear right on up. Then I got a card from my aunt which… also made me cry. It wasn’t the card so much, but inside it she put this piece of paper and at first I’m wondering what it is cause I can’t really read the handwriting then all the sudden I realize it’s my grandma’s handwriting… It was just a piece of paper that said Measurements for Melanie’s sweater… and it had all my lil measurements on it. God I’m goign to start crying now just thinking about it. Cause she made me that sweater and just recently my mom found it amongst the baby stuff she brought up from the basement. It have pictures of me wearing this, and it’s got her lil tag in it that says made by Florence Sherburne. I just miss her so much and I really wish she could be here for all of this… Well other than those amazing things I also got 60 bucks from my dad for maternity clothes and some money to gamble with. Nick bought me some ps3 games and he paid for my license renwal.

So Nick, my mom, and I went over to visit my grandma and then we went to the casino. At the casino I earned 5 free playing bucks since I was a first time player. I played on that for a few hours and got up to 22 dollars… which then I gambled it all away again. But I guess I earned 5 points for playing the amount of time I did and then they give you 5 more dollars for your first 5 points… So I never spent any of my own money and I earned back my 5 free dollars. Then we went out to dinner. We were going to go to the casino but all they have is buffets now and seriously I barely eat anything so 25 bucks is a waste for me. Insted we went to a local resturant and it was really good. But apparently our waitress had just won miss ludington and then she decided to give us all a lil show of her talent which was singing. I mean she was good, don’t get me wrong. But I came here to eat and this is like a family resturant with only 4 tables full… this isn’t the stage….  It was just kinda awkward.

Now things are back to normal and Nick works all day so I just sit here and pretty much do nothing. His 22nd birthday is this upcoming friday and I want to suprise him with a new tape deck for his car since he wanted one awhile back… but I suck at buying anything that has to do with a car….

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