Adventures in Whataburger

lilypie 4th birthday ticker

lilypie 6th to 18th ticker

I’m going to start calling all my Whataburger bitching adventures, sounds less like bitching that way. Hahaha.

Okay, so there is a new bitch on third shift. I should not have to deal with third shift shit, I’m the second shift goddess (Shut up Beth). We’ll call her the 3rd Nazi right now, as it amuses me. Anyway, 3rd Nazi is an older lady and therefore deserving of my childish respect. Umm..yeah, right. Fuck you dude. Bitch I’m a team leader and you are my pee-on underling. Don’t try throwing your weight around on me.

She came in an hour early. Yeah, woohoo for you. Coming in early doesn’t make you special, it makes you stupid. You can’t clock in, you can’t help, you can only sit on your ass and wait. Don’t be pissy with people because you are an idiot. I was helping get an order out and she shoves between another chick ad me, like there was three feet of space behind my ass. WTF??? Are you seriously that in need of attention? Go around. Dumb bitch.

Somewhere around 9:30, I’m doing the dishes and I hear the time clock going. I thought someone was leaving, nope, 3rd Nazi is clocking in. I was a little confused since she went and plopped her ass down on a stool. You got to fucking be kidding me. I don’t get paid for doing nothing, you sure as hell aren’t either. I had that taken care of by her manager. I think she was pissed at me. Oh well, one less person to say hi to now. Damn, how that upsets me.

Finally at ten I’m telling people bye. I’m standing there talking to the 3rd shift manager and 3rd Nazi comes around the corner with her drawer. She rammed the drawer into my back. Fucker, you saw me standing there clear as day. If I had of known she was behind me, I would have moved, but no we’ve got to hit people. Fucking asshole. I told my boss that 3rd Nazi maybe the tattle tail to one of the district managers, but she’s going to be tattling with a fat lip if she runs into me again.

I can only be civil so long. O know that I look as young as most of those kids that work there, but fuck, I’ve been there for almost nine years. I’m not a child. Don’t try to push me around. And by the way, I am one of your bosses asshole. I’m going to make working there suck for you.

Y’all take care,




Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.


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December 20, 2007

Alrighty then! 🙂

December 23, 2007

Take her down.

December 23, 2007

I pass on this evil chant to 3rd Nazi, “May the fleas of 1000 camels infest your armpits.”