The truth can be denied not avoided

Dear Diary,

Lately, I’ve been feeling lonely because every time I speak, I get massive pushback. People find themselves getting angry with me and trying to hurt my feelings. And I began to internalize people’s cruel remarks. I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I am the problem, maybe I am too much, or maybe I’m not enough. But today out of nowhere I realized that the problem isn’t me. The problem is that I speak the truth and unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t ready for that. And when I say I speak the truth I don’t mean I’m blunt and I make unnecessary comments that I know will hurt people’s feelings. I have never been and will never be the kind of person that goes out of their way to make people feel bad about themselves. But what occurred to me is that even if that’s not my intention. The reason why people get so defensive and upset is because they already feel bad about themselves. So no matter what I say I trigger people because they have deep-rooted insecurities about themselves. Or it goes against everything someone may have been taught and that makes it hard for them to hear anything I’m saying, rather it’s true or not. And that is a scary and uncomfortable place to be in. To question if the life you’ve been living is all a lie or if you’ve been contributing to the oppression you’ve spent your entire life speaking against. That is not an easy thing to admit or confront nor change. And that makes me sad to know that some people would rather settle by living a lie than stand for the truth or at least acknowledge the truth. But I guess that’s a lot to ask of someone especially considering the world we live in today. But that doesn’t mean you should give up. So yes it is sad that you can’t expect people to change or to want more but that doesn’t mean you should give up on achieving more because you wouldn’t have the desire if you didn’t have the capability of obtaining it.

This realization brought me great comfort because it confirmed that there is nothing wrong with me. And that I’m not stupid and that my opinions do matter. I have never been the kind of person that settles for what is, I’m always looking toward what can be! And the first step towards a brighter future is accepting the truth. But unfortunately, not everyone sees things that way or even at all. Some people prefer to be lost and in no way do I think it’s okay but it is understandable because change can be hard. However, that doesn’t mean I have to settle. So to any readers out there that have been feeling like outcasts just remember the TRUTH CAN BE DENIED NOT AVOIDED. And that simply means people may go against you. They may tear you down and make feel crazy but someday those very same people will see the truth and others may never see but their blindness shouldn’t keep you from your vision.

Yours Truly





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