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It’s been a while.

Quick Catch UP

so, I got over Ashley.


It took a while, and a few more drinks, and a lot more sobriety, but I did it.

There was one or two more.


Then I met the woman of my dreams.

and she flew across the country for me.


She left her home and her friends and her smokes and her booze and moved to Michigan.


and we got married.

and we bought a house.

and we got a dog.

and we paid off all our debt.

and we made a person.


and we are in Happily Ever After.


It’s so great!!


We start each day with breakfast together.

We end each night talking about what we’re grateful for.


We do home projects and garden and walk the dog and make stuff.

I cook every night and make all the lunches.

She does house project after house project and helps with the weeding.

We don’t play videogames any more or watch tv.


It’s weird, I have the things I ever wanted and no time to use any of them.

I used to have all the time in the world and none of the things to do stuff with.

I meditate now.

I have slipped into Middle Age like a comfy slipper, spending my time wandering nature preserves with my dog, listing birds I’ve photographed.


I am finally comfortable doing things on my own.  The driving need to be social as a drug has quieted.



I have a daughter and I lover her.

Her name is Madeline Miles and she is inevitable.

She crushed my world like a Glacier, slowly grinding everything in her path until there is just her.



The pregnancy was easy, the birth was easy, the baby is so easy.

Life goes easy on me because I let it.





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May 31, 2019

Yay to a great new life!