toucha toucha touch me

So, I am dating.
I’m an addict.
So I’m doing it like only I can.
I’ve been on a date every day I’ve been in town
Every day of 2011
I’ve met some wonderful people
I’ve spent so much money.
But all in all
I’m still very lonely.
I was laterally demoted at work.
It’s my fault
I was moved back into the last position I had
I have been given a new territory.
I have been given a second chance.
Apparently I was kind of a big deal in 09
Now I’ve been given a professional black eye
It really is my fault.
I’d like to blame Ashley
But I stuck around for so long
I should have left in june.
When I have a moment to my self
My stomach hurts
Not in a “I ate all the donuts” kind of way
More like a “I might die alone” kind of way
If you were to make a montage of the past few weeks,
It would be amazing
There isn’t a song awesome enough to score it
I drove a convertible through the Florida keys and everglades national park
I wandered around Hollywood and met famous people on melrose
I made out with a bunch of different girls
I’ve been to hockey games
Fancy wine bars
Roller derby
Tons of dates
I did it all sober
I’ve lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks
I eat right
I exercise every day
I have 50 to go, and I’ll hit it before my birthday in Nov
I have great friends and family
My new position in the company will give me the second chance
To make everyone believe in me again
And I’m excited about it.
I get job offers all the time
I can leave whenever I want
And try something new
And I’ll be happy either way
I get laid
I have a date every day till Monday
When I fly out
To California for the last time
For the Napa Valley wine show
(the fucking catalina wine mixer!!!)
I’ll stop by Redwood national Park over the weekend.
I’ll visit friends in Santa Rosa.
And it all sucks
Cause she’s not here to share it.
I feel like I lost my best friend
If I spend more than 120 minutes alone
I burst into tears
Every 10th thought is about her
I know she’s still using
It sucks because I know if she would just get clean
Just stop long enough to fix it all
All the things that drove us apart would be gone.
But I know
That’s not going to happen.
Deep down I know it’s over forever
So I date
Every day
Like an addict
So I don’t have to sit alone
And wonder
What she’s doing now….
But there is this one girl…….

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