Busy Lil Bug

This has been a busy week for me. I ran some errands & didn’t get into too big of an argument with TB, which is a rarity in itself. I didn’t buy too much, mostly just stuff for the dogs—treats, dog food, & a collar & chain for Tibby. Tibby thought he was so special when I showed him his "gifts." Lol. I did browse some of the baby items while shopping, though I’m not buying anything just yet. It shouldn’t be too much longer now, especially since I’ve pin-pointed my ovulation days. And while I’ve already picked out a boy’s name, I’m gonna wait until it’s born before I tell anyone the name. (On a side-note, TB almost ran down Lance’s brother at Save-a-Lot with her car. Lol)

The other day I cleaned up a lot—swept & mopped the floors, did some laundry, etc. I also got rid of some junk that was taking up space, & I actually moved things around. I’m such a creature of habit so it’s been a bit odd to have my living room in its new state. I love it though…looks waaay more spacious now. Of course, Tibbs & Jas don’t mind it either, but I sometimes wish they wouldn’t block me in when I’m sitting in my favorite chair.  I also cleaned out my computer in the sense that I deleted any unwanted contacts, emails, messages, posts, comments, etc from my Yahoo & FB accounts. It took forever but I finally eliminated anything to do with ppl I no longer consider friends. It’s great not being reminded of past mistakes, but that doesn’t go w/o saying that if I ever come across any of those "mistakes" their asses better run b/c I’m in the mood to snap a few necks…and that’s the least painful thing I can do to anyone. Honestly though, I’d love to run into a few ppl I hate…I just wanna punch them in the goddamn face, & most likely will do so just for the fucking hell of it. Mwahahaha!  

TB has some friends who have a son & she’s trying to play match-maker. The guy is 28, looks like Prince William, & was offered a country music contract a few yrs back. I hadn’t thought of possibly dating anyone, especially since all the guys I’ve ever known turned out to be lying, 2-faced bastards. Plus I’m used to being by myself & can’t really fathom relinquishing my freedom for a guy. However I think I could be persuaded…I’ve been wanting to shake things up a bit, & a guy might be one of those things I wanna shake.  Also, he’s very family-oriented & is looking for a nice, faithful girl who wants to settle down & have lots of children. (Definitely sounds good to me. Lol) While the only thing I’m wanting from a guy right now is sperm, I just may decide on something more if I actually like this guy. Anything’s possible, & there’s no harm in meeting & getting to know him.

I may take another internet-sabatical. It’d give me the chance to focus on some important issues right now. Haven’t decided on it yet, but I don’t know for certain. Anyway, that’s all for now. 🙂


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