A Good Day For The Bug


Went to town today & finally ran some errands. I thought it was gonna be a bad day considering the day began with TB waking me up early b/c she was fighting with Kennie. Mostly I just bought some food for me & the dogs. Unfortunately I forgot to buy yams. I heard they can increase the chances of conceiving twins so I thought I’d at least try them out…just in case.  Plus I could’ve done without the weather turning this cold. Luckily Ollie came up & turned on my heat. Since then, Jasper hasn’t left his spot in front of the stove. Of course, he does have a comfy rug on which to lay, so he’s definitely content with the cold weather.

Yesterday I got to meet Smokey’s puppies. (Back in May he knocked up a chihuaha named Tiny.) They were so fucking adorable! All four of them were brown, & there were 3 girls & only 1 boy. I named the fat & furry boy FatBoy, while the girls were named Chilly (b/c she’s so chill & has a "whatever" attitude); Happy (b/c it looks like she’s always smiling); & Harley (b/c she’s a wild one). I’m hoping Misty will be allowed pets by her landlord b/c I think Chilly would be a good match for her. My favorite is Harley. As soon as I picked her up she began chewing on my shirt sleeves. She’ll fit in well with my boys. Lol. Plus she’s a badass who fights with all the other pups & is gonna be a good guard dog. She & Happy look more alike, & I could see Happy as part of my brood, too. I doubt Jasper & Tibby would get any food though—today when I brought a container of small-grained dog food to TB’s, Happy ate most of it herself & even climbed in it so the other pups couldn’t get any. Then she went into TB’s bathroom & came out with a hair tie in her mouth, still sporting a mischevious smile. Later on, Chilly went into the kitchen & carried in some kind of green styrofoam plate into the living room in her mouth. A few minutes later FatBoy got a hold of it & tried to carry it behind a shelf—while he fit behind the shelf, the plate wouldn’t. Lol It was so hilarious! I so hope I can find homes for at least 2 of them, though it’s probably a safe bet that I’ll end up taking all 4 of them.  Besides, I have LOTS of love to give & I always treat my furry babies equally.

I haven’t been getting online much anymore. I just have other stuff I’d rather do, like clean, play with the dogs, or walk on the treadmill. What’s odd is that on FB, this one guy named Chris has tried to friend me at least 3 times. He doesn’t have any profile pics, no personal info & just seems "off" to me. But at least I won’t have to put up with his requests anymore since I blocked him from sending me any future ones. I did accept a friend request from a guy named Roger who’s a cousin of some sorts. He popped me up on chat & we talked geneology & shared information on our individual family trees. He did make me aware that some of our ancestors came from England & that he had traced the family back a 1,000 years. Wow!

Well, tomorrow is gonna be really busy. I have tons of laundry to wash, & I’d like to go through some of this junk & throw it away. I may try to take Tibby & Jasper for another walk if it’s not too cold. All in all, this has been a good day for me & I hope more good days follow suit.

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