Entry 5 – Seizure

Hey guys.

How was your day? Tell me about it, I would really love to hear it.

Today was really crappy for me if I’m being honest.

I couldn’t sleep last night, I think I ended up finally drifting off about 5AM, bearing in mind I had to be awake at 7.50 for work.

I woke up at half 6, prebooked a taxi for half 8, made sure my alarm was set and went back to sleep.

My partner woke up me up 9.20AM, shaking me and asking me what the time was. I checked my phone and almost had a heart attack at the time. I was meant to start work at 9.

I phoned up my manager and she told me it was okay and I would get there when I get there, so I booked a taxi for 10.30 and quickly got ready, arriving at work at 11AM.

It was all going well until about 1.40PM, when I felt a seizure coming on. I immediately stepped down from the till and tried to get to the door that lead me to the staff room, but I couldn’t make it. Instead, I stumbled into an elder man before I fell to the floor and started seizing. Luckily, the man I stumbled into kept an eye on me and saw me falling, and he caught me, bless his kind heart.

I was seizing for just under 5 minutes and when I woke, all my colleagues were surrounding me, one on the phone the 999. I told her to put the phone down and that I was okay, and I let them know there was no need to call paramedics unless I had hit my head or I was seizing for more than 7 minutes, since that is my longest one recorded.

I finished my shift, had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour for my bus, got home, ended up seizing for 7 minutes, my partner nearly having to call an ambulance as it was nearly over my recorded time.

But now, I’m sat on my sofa with my partner, The Vampire Diaries playing in the background whilst I work on an assignment for my Psychology class.

But that’s my day. How has yours been?

Xoxo, Miss No Name

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