baby and more

Dear Diary,
    Well the baby is not here yet and I am patiently waiting for the phone call.  My son told me that when the baby is born, I can come over to see him.
I sent a very short email to my DIL and she actually responded to me…go figure…but a good thing.
We have 2 more days of school left.  THANK THE LORD.  It has been a very stressful ending because we are dealing with several virus’s that have hit hard.  Two small children were taken the the hospital by ambulance this past week, from school.  One kindergarten class had 15 absent out of 29.  Most classes have 5 to 8 out.  The teachers have surprisingly, few sicknesses and not really horrible ones.  We know several of the children have swine flu but the district told us that we have to get in our 180 days..I YI YI!  I am not hugging the kids and I bring my hand sanitizer in class with me and we all do hand rubs before and after art. 
We all have been wiping down desks and doornobs. 
I’ll be glad when we are done!
I’ve been to two retirement dinners with one more on Monday night.  My supervisor has retired as well as our bi-lingual director for the district.  Our fine art supervisor will not be replaced so we will be under the direction of our building principals. 
The two dinners were really nicely done.  I had a great time and it was fun to see some old faces again. 
Last weekend, I returned from a cleanse weekend with the Peaceweavers.  It turns out that I will be spending the summer with them up in New York state. 
Of course I will wait until the baby is born, but soon after I will be headed up there.  Most likely I will stay for 6 weeks.  I quit my summer job and have decided I have to gently step into my new life.  After next year I will not be teaching any longer so this is the first step of letting go.  Actually I had no desire to go to the summer job the next day after we get out.  I really need a break from kids.
JH and I are going to work on creating a book for children over the summer.  We will most likely be working long distance but that is ok, it is very doable.
Today I have done nothing.  I don’t care but I really need to get myself back in some kind of shape.  I am the most out of shape I have been in many years LOL…but I will do that this summer and starting next week when I am out of stress…..oh I mean school.

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The sickness thing really sucks! The swine flu is not gone. Here, the experts say that it will resurface with strength. When you teach, you are exposed to everything. I hope your DIL grows up with the baby. She sounds very selfish. A summer without children is impossible for me but I was glad that I didn’t get the summer position. Even though we could use the cash, it will be better for everyone.

June 20, 2009

I’m so glad that they are going to let you know when the baby arrives. I can’t wait to see pictures!

June 20, 2009

I am so glad you can see your first grandchild and I want pictures and lots of them! Tell us more about your idea for a children’s book. You have a lot going on this summer.

June 22, 2009

I know you will enjoy your summer off. I hope things work out with you and your DIL.