Ruminations On A Winter Night

The wood floor creaks as old memories dance among shadows born from the flare of the fireplace. A womb of soft heat, comforting in its’ warmth, relaxes my body; peaceful thoughts murmur silky seductions, promising that they will float me softly into my dreams. I sink deeper into the cushions of my easy chair and stare further into the glow. There are answers in there somewhere, explanations and reasonings. Hidden among the embers, lie the sacred tomes offering guidance through the troubled events in my life…along with validations that reward me for my more god-like moments. Somewhere, ducking and weaving shyly amid the crackling hum of the firesong are solutions to finding balance in my existence. All that I have to do is to keep searching through the flames.

The hard wind moans in lonely determination, clawing at the windows with frozen fingernails. The house offers a subtle complaint as it settles in for the night. I pull the blanket tighter, lean my head back, close my mind.
The fire calls to me…”Perhaps I will tell you a few of the secrets tomorrow”…

Take care

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January 30, 2011

Glad to see you back…

January 30, 2011

So glad to see you back… please stay! =)

ryn: Thank you for the compliment. Stay as long as you’d like. 🙂

February 26, 2011

hey there Moonlightman! Someday we’ll have to finish that novel we started writing together about 10 years ago! I’m back to OD now 🙂 Glad you’re still here! 🙂