Natural Order.

Apologies in advance to anyone I offend with what I’ve written. I’m not talking anything back mind you but I apologize if I hurt any feelings. This is the closest thing to a full confession anyone will ever get out of me so enjoy it folks The perky poppa Mofo bit is bullshit. and I’m going to change. You don’t like it by all means tell me and I will simply go away no harm no foul. The way I have been living my life way before I met any of my new group of people is based on a simple belief. I believe, no wait I KNOW that life is 99 percent bullshit. That one percent makes things bearable enough so that I don’t get totally wiggy. If you think about it with that kind of percentage then atleast part of this is also bullshit. C’mon kids let’s look for the bullshit. It’ll be like a Wheres Waldo book.

Natural Order.

Saturday night after watchin Milla Jovovich running around in a tight red dress shooting an automatic weapon into hordes of zombies with a big smirk on her face(HAWT) I had to go out. I go to a bar and it’s a crowd pushing and yelling and getting drunk. Like I need that shit so I go to another bar and GASP there is a bartenderette who is Milla just without any guns. There is also a big crowd so I’m not there long before I have to run away again. Before I do I try to trade witty banter with the bartenderette. It works in spades! So as I say goodbye, I think to myself “She could end up being 300 pounds and have one eye brow by the end of the decade but so what this ones a keeper. But the crowds are still there so I still have to run. I hate crowds. Crowds contain people and more often then not people are bullshit. I go to a store, buy some soda, and a pound of groundchuck and drive into Columbus’ old factory section. ever since the CPD found some bodies near there last year I pretty much have that entire area to myself at night. Maybe jack the Ripper is hanging out there as well but he hasn’t bothered me yet. So I park there and just eat raw meat, sitting in the dark and think. Conclusion from the thinkfest is, Im a loser, not a total loser mind you but a bigtime loser with just a pinch of luvable loser thrown in for flavor. Im going to probably die alone and broke but I’m cool with it though. I’ll die with a fuck you smirk on my face that would make Milla proud. Then I started thinking about somthing our very own VerbalJosh asked recently. He asked why some women go for men who abuse them while not noticing the nice guys. Self esteem as well as fear issues come instantly to mind why anyone would put up with an asshole. But the #1 reason it happens is that it’s the natural order of things. We may have big brains and FOD, but we are still part of the natural order we can’t change that no matter what. in this world agressivness is usually rewarded. How many times do you see the lady ram go off with the boy ram who lost the “Hey lets ram our horns into each other to see who gets to breed this year” contest. You want examples from our society okay how many executives who stole zillions from their workers do you think lost their perky wives this year? Even when those guys get caught with their little penises in their secretary their wives often look the other way. Sports and entertainment figures, oh yeah they are all more often than not the epitomy of class and NEVER abuse their wives. You all DID notice the sarcasm there right? How many of us watch Revenge of the Nerds and put real life people we know into some of those rolls. Heres somthin for ya and I shit you not it really did happen. Few years back a bunch of highschool alphamales gangbang a mentallyretarded girl. You dont like the term gangbang? Tough cause to call it anything else would be an insult to the girl. No the alphamales didn’t goto jail. The townsfolk all spoke out in FAVOR of the rapists. The girl was “stupid” so fuck her, From what I read the rapist did after some community service. Maybe one or two of them did some small amount of time. Then they probably went on to be executives and robbed pension funds as they diddle their secratarys. In my highschool there was a kid nicknamed PANG. He was a poor little fuckup who was geek to the core who got beat down on an daily basis, Especially from this one mean alphamale motherfucker. PANG has dissapeared. I hear he got a girl prego his first time out of the gate and the mean motherfucker laughed about it. Last thing I heard the mean motherfucker is a doctor making doctor dollars. Nothing against doctors mind you I’m just reporting facts here. I myself had two tormentors that swam around me like cold eyed sharks. I took care of them later on but not before they made me a little bit meaner, and NO I did NOT leave their bodies by the old factories SHEESH you kids and your imaginations!

“We didn’t come looking for absolution. We won’t ask for forgivness. We don’t blame you even if you are an accesrory. But we refuse to except your natural order”

Parker and Longbaugh

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Didn’t offend me any – I still think very highly of you, and you’re the coolest Mofo I know. And I mean that. *hugs*


February 13, 2003

You are so right about those chicks who stay with shithead men because they’re rich … I think they’re dumb … women are just dumb actually. They let themselves lose all ontrol of their own fates because of ” love ” or ” security ” … stupid. Anyways, you are awesome … and I’m not losing control because I’m not dumb!

jo guy, right on i agree with what all your sayin.. keep on writing stuff like this, its really intertaining 🙂 thought provoking i supose would be a better word.. anyway later