Are you in there little fetus…….

pregnancy calendar

Had our first prenatal appointment this morning.  The baby is measuring 14 weeks 3 days which is exactly on target for my calculations, I dunno why the ticker is a day behind but its been like that from the get go.  Piglet looked good, jumped around a little bit.  They gave us 3 pictures but they arent as good as the ones Rachel has been doing for us.

The doctor was nice, not exactly what I want but he was still cool, Stephen liked him.

Stephen sat in during the whole thing, pap and all.  Nice to have him there……at least one of us was asking questions.

Spent nearly 45 minutes driving around trying to find the damn office.  So, my plan for being a half hour early turned into being 20 minutes late.  Oh well.  Not a good first impression though.

Doc says Piglet should be here July 8th, Stephen said it will be born on the 7th, that would be awesome if it is.  Stephens birthday is 1/07 mine is 10/07 so it would be cool to have the baby born on the 7th of the month as well.  But, we shall see.

Had blood work done as well……I HATE that.

Looking forward to a weekend of doing nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Maybe going clothes shopping since nothing seems to fit any more.

My abdomen is feeling tighter these days.  Like when Im laying in bed and trying to get up it hurts a bit, or bending over hurts a bit, heck just sitting here can be a bit uncomfy, feels almost like a pulled muscle, my muscles are tight in there, I know its because things are growing, stretching and moving.  But its the first thing Ive really noticed……other than the whole being sick thing.  Which btw is still going on and still not any fun at all!!

Next appointment is in 3 weeks, and then on Valentines we go for another ultrasound…….possibly find out the sex.  We are both curious but both still want to be surprised too.  So we shall see.  At that point we are half way through…..we’ve made it this far, we can make it another 4 and a half months of not knowing I guess.

I really dont guess I have much else to talk about.  So I guess I will go.  Have a great weekend!!

Good golf, good tennis or whatever makes you happy!!

pregnancy calendar


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January 11, 2008

Wow..can’t believe you’re this far along now. The time sure flies. It would be so awesome if the baby was born on the 7th. Good luck with everything and get your much needed rest! 🙂

January 11, 2008

Aw. Seems like everything is going well! It’ll be that day before you know it!

January 11, 2008

I’m so jealous! I WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!! I was due July 3rd but had my daughter June 24th. You will like having a summer baby, I think. At least I did! The part I LOVED was being off on maternity leave during the summer! I layed around the pool and had a great time! Plus it’s nice because you can pack up baby in the carseat without worrying about bad weather or snow. CONGRATS!