Fill in the blank….


Had the day off yesterday, didnt do much of anything, we had rain on again off again most of the day.  Cleaned up the yard a bit, trimmed some tree limbs, popped some fireworks.  We bought some extras for the wedding, hopefully we can pop them during the reception, if they dont let us then we will just pop them at home.

Stephen has an appointment this morning with the dentist.  He is missing a front tooth, has been missing it for years due to a root canal.  I have requested that he get some sort of filler just for the sake of the wedding pictures.  I dont want to look back at my wedding pictures 20 years from now and him appear to be miserable, like he was forced to be there because he wont smile.  The lack of the tooth doesnt bother me.  I love him just the way he is.  So, we shall see how his appointment goes.

The rain is supposed to let up a bit over the next few days, hopefully enough to get the house ready.

That new puppy we got, we lost her……..for about 3 days, my sister found her yesterday.  So, feeling guilty because I was the one who said she had to stay outside and then we lost her, I said she could stay in last night.  So what did the little wench do…..3 this morning she pissed in my bed.  Had to get up and change the bedding.  Then at 5 something she started whimpering and wanted down, I didnt want her to get down because there was all kinds of stuff on the floor she could have torn up, so I locked her in the bathroom.  This morning when I got up I went and got her and put her in bed with Stephen, no more than I set her down………what did she do…….piss in my bed AGAIN!!!  Puppies are cute, I love having them, but they annoy the hell outta me.  I think shes gonna start staying outside and this time I wont feel too guilty.

My other poochies dont like fireworks.  Poor babies.  At one point, Beaux started yelping/barking at them then tried to attack one that was still lit.  He was panting and basically having an anxiety attack.  Boudain appeared calm but was having one as well.  The rest of them were off hiding somewhere.

On Friday we had a couple of robberies at work, plus they are putting in assigned parking.  Annoyed by that but more on it later.

Seriously, 16 days until the wedding.  It seems so surreal/unreal.  I cant believe its here already.  I feel so intimidated by it all.

Enjoy your day and happy 4th.

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July 5, 2007

Aw, all puppies are like that. Sticking her outside won’t do anything but teach her she’s able to pee anytime she wants. You should’ve thought about all this stuff b4 you got a dog to keep outside. It’s all training and hard work that pays off in the end 🙂

July 5, 2007

Omg, 16 days!!! How exciting! I can imagine how surreal it must feel…