I caused a bar fight!

I’m here this morning with a splitting ass headache and the smell of Joseph on my skin.

I didnt fk Andrew last night, I fked Joseph….and again this morning.

I had decided to stop at hole in the wall before heading out to see Andrew.  I walk in the door and everyone is all eyes on me.  I look across the room and theres Joseph.  I dont make eye contact, just walk to the back of the bar and find my sister perched on a stool playing on my game machine.  I order a drink but left my ID in the car.  On my way out I hear someone ask where I’m going and the bar tender tells them.  Then I hear someone in the darkness yell "Leaving so soon?" "No"  I walk back in, converse with Kris for a bit and she gets up to go to the other side of the bar to watch Billy in the pool tourney.  I sit down and play my favorite game.  A little while later a stranger in a black hat tells me he was the one yelling at me in the parking lot.  A little while later I catch Joseph coming towards me in the corner of my eye.  "Cant say hello butt munch"  "Hello"  I finish my drink order another and go to join Kris.  Before I knew it Dennis *****(transmission guy) is buying me drinks, we are shooting pool and I’ve called Andrew to let him know I wasnt gonna make it.  I got EXTRA flirty with Joseph.  He was playing on another table, when he’d go to make a shot I’d grab his dick.  ::giggles::  I somehow found myself sitting in his lap.  A few times I turned around and faced him and I could hear Kris telling me I looked like trash for doing that.  "I dont care I’m only on one person in here…..not everyone in this bar"  I told Joseph after the first of the year we werent fking anymore…..I told everyone else that too.  While I was taking my shot some guy spilt my drink.  He offered to buy me 2 more to replace it.  A bit later I went up to get napkins to clean it up, I saw him and asked him if he was still gonna buy my 2 drinks.  He said he never said that, which pissed Billy off…actually I think he was just itching for a fight all night.  Anywho..Billy stood up and they started trying to fight.  I pulled the other guy to the side and calmed him down.  A bit later the same guy started shit with the bar tender……so Joseph stood up to defend her and tell ol’ boy to leave.  Shortly there after I’m trying to keep some fat bitch off of Joseph and he is pulling out his pocket knife.  We all leave, Kris takes Nana’s car for me and its my understanding that Me Joseph and Dennis are going to another bar.  I notice we are going down the wrong road so I asked what was up.  We ended up back and Dennis’ shop.  I was fked up by now and laying in the chair.  I think Joseph was trying to fk with me and I’m pretty sure Dennis was too.  I kept pushing Dennis away and eventually got up and went outside.  Or I thought I did.  I think I actually walked into the bay area of the shop.  Silly me.  I was bent over a car telling Joseph I wanted to go home.  Before that, while in the truck, I think Dennis went into some store and Joseph was eating me out in his truck.  So anywho….I’m leaning on this car, turns out it was a Camaro, and I think Joseph fked me right there.  Not quite sure.  Or maybe we just grinded against each other.  We made our way back to his car and he was fingering the shit outta my pussy the whole way to my house.  We got inside I turned my radio up WAY loud and then I got WAY loud myself.  I saw his back this morning and my goodness…..poor guy……I’m surprised I dont have hunks of flesh under my nails.  I remember telling him to talk dirty to me, to tell me what he wanted me to do…..if it felt good to him and such. We both passed out.  We woke up this morning and waited for mom to leave.  I asked him if he wanted to have more sex and he said no.  He ended up giving into me though and I came…..something I REALLY needed.  Then we parted ways.  He has my drivers license in his wallet.  It fell outta my pocket at the bar so Billy gave it back to me as we were leaving and I handed it to Joseph to hold on to.  I forgot to get it back.  Oh…..another thing…….he said something about me getting fat or something last night while we were at the bar.  Or at least I thought he did.  Apparently he was asking Kristy and Billy if I was swelling up in a pregnant kinda way.  "You see……who’s worried about it"  I said to Kristy.  She just grined….and he says I’m the one trying to get me pregnant.  PLEASE!  Man…..I need something to eat.  I dont feel like typing anymore…….my head is killing me.  TATA all……have a happy new years.


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December 31, 2004

if you turned your radio up so loud, how come it didn’t wake anybody up?