Monthly Premiums

pregnancy calendar

Here it is….those great, better, cheaper monthly premiums they announced last Friday or so.

Employee Only           $0.00

Employee + Child(ren)   $320.87

Employee + Spouse       $421.75

Employee + Family       $742.66

Yep, thats it, thats what we have to pay…….MONTHLY.

I’m livid, I feel like Ive been had, they made it sound so sweet.  I was so excited.  As soon as I returned to my desk from the meeting I called Stephen with my great news.

Wanna know the best part…….those arent much different from the last ones……maybe like 20 bucks or something.

It will take nearly ONE ENTIRE paycheck of mine to cover mine and my soon to be family.  For just me and Stephen for now it will be about half of a paycheck.

Ofcourse, for me its free, which is great for now, but as soon as Piglet arrives, who is going to need to see the doc for regular checkups, that price goes from free to $321!!!  Can you believe that.

Everyone repeat after me RAPEEEEE!!!

This company blows, they are so friggin cheap its unreal.  Wanna know why our premiums are so high, because the company doesnt pay for anything, we have to pay for it all.

I’m so ready to get out of here!

The best part of being here, the little cafe in the building behind ours in this complex.  I just ventured over to it yesterday for the VERY FIRST time since Ive been here, nearly a year, got a hamburger, pretty dang good.  Today I got a grilled chicken breast sandwich…….it was the BEST Ive EVER had.  Think I will be going back tomorrow.  Yum!

pregnancy calendar


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December 6, 2007

damn those are expensive. i don’t see how those could be considered cheap in any way.

December 6, 2007

Holy cow! Through my husband’s job we pay $39 for our family, and $4 for dental biweekly. And our insurance is awesome–pays for everything with only a $10 copayment and a $75 copayment for the ER.

holy shit thats expensive. i think we’ll only be paying like $220 a month for our family once the baby is here. SHEEZ

December 6, 2007

That is just too much! I thought it was bad when our payments were the same price as my husband’s meds.

December 6, 2007

Whoah. That is really expensive. Maybe you should look elsewhere. That’s just crazy!