*****Sharing Her Beauty*****


Rachel scanned me on Saturday……here are a few images we got.

Her legs were crossed so the left one is on top……

If you look up and to the right of the arrow head you can see nostrils.

Just a picture of her gorgeous spine.

Speaks for itself.

You can see her lips, they are kinda puckered up.

That big black hole is her HUGE mouth open wide yawning a BIG yawn, to the right are little nostrils again.

If this video works it should be her taking in amniotic fluids, but its kind of quick so pay attention.

If this one works then you can see her heart functioning.


She says everything looks GREAT, Brooke is measuring 4-5 days ahead of schedule and the cord is wrapped around her neck.  Rachel was concerned I would freak out when she told me that but honestly it didnt phase me.  I feel like its nothing I should be concerned about that everything will be fine.  I know that its something that happens and how can you expect it not to happen when they are doing cart wheels in such a tiny space with basically a rope wrapped up with them?  Who knows, she may wiggle it back off before its all said and done.  I know my sister had the cord around her neck, no big deal.

Brooke wasnt too pleased with Rachel scanning me, she kicked her off of my belly, it was funny.  Stephen actually got to really feel her kick good last night.  I bought her lots of clothes this weekend.  I tried to get a little something for every stage of the first 12 months of her life.  I tried to get clothes that she would need around that age.  Who knows, she might be in her 6 month clothes within the first 3 months, then I wasted money on those warm winter clothes, but oh well.  I really spent money we dont have and shouldnt have but I was upset and depressed and so I went shopping.  Sadly though shopping didnt make me feel better.  I guess because the things I was most upset about were the things I was trying to shop for, makes it much harder.

Stephen and I had a VERY bad day Saturday, but we have since kissed and made up.  We havent had a bad day like that in a LONG time and I assure you, I dont miss those days.  If we never have a day like that again I will live happily ever after.  All that matters are things are resolved and I feel a little better about the situation. 

We lost 3 puppies.  2 were dead when I got home Friday, one was VERY weak and barely hanging on.  Stephen and I went and bought a milk supplement so I could try to feed her something and I had her wrapped in a towel trying to get her body temperature up.  I was pretty sure she wasnt going to make it but she could have surprised me.  Finally around Midnight I was exhausted and crawled into bed, her tucked in the towel cuddled up next to me.  Trying to keep her warm with my body heat.  Sadly she passed away a few hours later.  I tried.

I found out my sister is 8 weeks pregnant.  Apparently she told my mom about 2 weeks ago and at that time she said she didnt want to tell me yet because she didnt want to steal my thunder since I was expecting my first.   She also told my mom that she didnt want another baby, something we all already knew, she said that she wasnt going to do anything but if something were to happen she wouldnt be upset.  Meaning if she lost the baby she would be ok with it.  A week later she started having severe cramping and bleeding, she is very sick and cant keep anything down.  She ended up in the ER but so far they havent said that she is loosing the baby, she passed out at work the day after her trip to the ER, so I dunno whats going on with her.  Honestly, Im a bit upset, upset that she has kinda stolen my thunder.  Thats the selfish side of me shinning through, but on the same note, I dont want anything to happen to the baby.  I wish her a happy healthy pregnancy and baby.  She may have changed her mind about things in the last 2 weeks, maybe she wants the baby now….I dunno.  I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.

That about sums up my weekend.  I didnt get anything accomplished that I wanted to…..theres always next weekend!


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March 17, 2008
March 17, 2008

Wow! Black and white photos of blobs!! Wonders never cease!! Heh, I kid..Good luck, huh?

March 17, 2008

aww hehe shes so cute that pic of her yawning is awesome

March 17, 2008

Wow, these are such detailed ultrasound pictures! Your little one was definitely posing 😉

March 18, 2008

RYN: My husband and I could not agree on a name at all. My sister has a friend named Brooklyn and I loved it, so when Michael said he like it too, that was it!! Lol… I know what you mean about your sister. My sister in law just announced that she’s pregnant too, and I was a little irritated. I feel guilty for being mad, but oh well. Hope everything works out for her though.

March 18, 2008

Aww little Brooke and her thumb in her mouth. That is so cute! So sad to see that two of puppies didn’t make it. I would’ve cried. Glad you and Stephen made up too. Hope you have a great week.