I’m Heartbroken….


Well, my friend is heartbroken and I am heartbroken for her.  Lets sum it up.  They have been together for about a year and a half, living together the whole 9 yards.  Anyways, here lately he has been bringing up the subject of marriage, nothing serious, just thoughts and ideas past back and fourth between the two.  Well, this weekend he took off and didnt contact her, at all, except to send a text message Sunday night saying he would be home Monday.  She got home from work yesterday and his truck and boat were gone plus some of his clothes.  He finally talked to her late last night and told her he was breaking up with her, he has been thinking about it for months and he used this weekend to get away and really think about things.  Then he went on to tell her that he met someone else at work, they have been having lunch for the last week or so and he thinks that she is the one.    Now to me this sounds like some high school bullshit, some 18 year old little punk who doesnt know what the hell he wants…….but in reality this guy is in his mid 30’s ready to settle down in a real relationship.  He owns his own house, has a stable career, everything.  But now he thinks that my friend and him arent compatible.  He says he didnt cheat on her, hasnt even kissed the other girl, but who knows how true that is, honestly!!  She asked if they were waiting for him to break up with her so that they could be together and he started telling her he was coming into traffic and loosing signal, so she asked again and he said the same thing, he didnt even have balls enough to answer her damn question.  He really wouldnt answer alot of her questions.  Why would he lead her on and waste both of their times if he knew so long ago that they werent right for each other?  Why not just cut your losses and end it before it goes any deeper?  Boys are fking dumb and if Stephen ever comes home and tells me he’s met someone at work and shes the one, that he and I arent right together, he will be eating his fried anus for dinner!!! 

So anyways, I feel bad for her, wish I could do something to make her feel better but I cant, she has to heal on her own.  I tried to assure her that things will work out to her advantage and that this is actually a blessing in desguise but I also know how hard that is to believe right now.  Shes just too hurt.  I offered her our spare bedroom if she needs it.

In other news, Easter was good for us, the easter bunny was nice to me again this year.  My Stephen is so sweet and so silly, I love him so much!!

We hid easter eggs in the park for my dad and nephew, dad wasnt in such a great mood.  Mom said she paid close attention to him after we left and his eyes were glazed over, he was slurring his speech, she said he looked drugged.  So she talked to the nurse or something on Sunday, then again last night.  She says he seems to be doing worse now, which he does.  He is combative and angry again and VERY confused and disoriented.  So, I dunno whats going on, its gotta be in the meds.

2 weeks until we leave for New York.  I cant wait.  I need a little vacation, plus I do honestly enjoy going up there.  Stephens mom thinks I dont, but whatever, I do!!  She told me at Christmas thats how she knew I was pregnant because I said I was excited to be going up and Im never excited to be going up.  Not true!!  Anyways….so thats something to look forward too.  However, the morning that we leave I have to take my stupid glucose test.  Soooooo not looking forward to that!

There was something else I was going to say.  Ha, I say that alot these days.  I feel like I have lost my damn mind, I cant remember anything. 

The baby is wiggling around doing her thing all the damn time now.  It still freaks me out, I dont like the way it feels sometimes.  Its so unnatural.  Most of the time I feel like my lower abdomen region is weighted down, I guess it technically is, but it just feels soooo damn heavy.  I catch myself holding it up sometimes to try to help relieve the pressure of it.  Stephens not getting any more babies outta me…..soo much for his little Mini Three!!!  Hehehe.

I got a raise at work.  Whoo hooo.  I cant wait to see how much of a difference it makes in my paycheck..probably 10 bucks if Im lucky.

My sister pisses me off.  On Friday I had planned to take her to see Rachel to get scanned to see whats going on with her and the baby.  Well, I called her around 5ish, we were supposed to be there around 6 and its about a 45 minute drive, she wasnt there.  She called me back around 5:30 or 5:45 and said they had been invited to dinner so she wasnt going to go.  Ohhh I was pissed!!!  Im sure she didnt JUST get the dinner invite, and even if she did, she couldnt have told them she had other plans.  Nope……..of course not, she is my sister, she had to wait until the last minute to cancel on me.  Fking bitch that she is.  One of these days Im gonna learn my lesson and not do her any more favors, she always screws me over.

I dunno what else I was gonna say so enjoy your week!


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March 25, 2008

I am so so so sorry about your friend. I feel so horrible for her. Stupid guy. Uggh. That makes me so mad! Haha and poor Stephen and his “fried anus.” That’s a good one! 😛 But I’m glad the baby is still moving around and keeping you company. Glad Easter was so delightful for you. And siblings can be such a pain. Believe me! *rolls eyes*

March 25, 2008

oh your poor friend – my first fiance did the same thing – but it was the biggest favour he did for me. Maybe this is good for your friend, maybe too cloudy to see now but a good man for her will come and she’ll realise just what a good thing this guy did for her. Hugs for you all

March 26, 2008

I am sorry about whats happening to ur friend.Thats got to be so hard for her. HUM fried anus??? thats a new one for me…u made me laugh so hard i cried. If my man said some crap to me like that he would get a free sex change by yours truely…then i would probable go to jail afterward but i think i would be worth it. Not much farther to go and she will be here…are u getting excited yet?I bet u are ready for her to be out. Well i hope all is well and God Bless and take care.

March 31, 2008

mt best friends recently went thru something very very similar. Only the were already married (8 months into the marriage). They are back together now. He changed his mind after he left her and all that jazz. But I remember feeling betrayed and heartbroken too.