Hello, peeps.

Bet you didn’t expect to see me here 🙂

Well. I just need a moment of good old-fashioned venty spewage.

I’ve been BUSY. Like, freaking BUSY!

Planned for this summer so far is – a family wide garage sale, finishing the remodel of my bathroom, buffalo mommies playgroup, eclipse pre-party and movie premier, monica’s wedding, 4th of july party, matt visiting charlotte again, my new niece or nephew being born, my sister’s bachelorette party, a mani-pedi spa party, bridal tea for my sister, rehearsal dinner for my sister, and my sister’s wedding.

Oh, and passing out.

All before TTC #2 beginning the night of July 30th. Approximately midnight.

All of the above mentioned things (except for the obvious exceptions, like the weddings) are being held at my house. And are my responsibility. And I volunteered to do them. Why? 

Partially because I’m insane, and partially from watching too much Tori Spelling.

The worst part of the whole ordeal is going to start somewhere around, tomorrow, and last through about July 4th. It’s going to be a mad crazy rush of cleaning, organizing and finishing projects around the clock – and in many cases, re-doing those things multiple times. I admit, I over committed myself. BAD!

And yet if you asked me to give up anything I just mentioned I couldn’t.

While all this has been going on, I’ve been working my butt off on my blog. Which, if you’ve been following, you probably already can tell. (BTW…sorry I’m not cross-posting here, only one person requested that I do, and I’m usually just so scatter brained that I don’t think of it.)

The blog, while work, is A LOT of fun. Tons. I’m making so many new bloggy friends, learning new bloggy tricks, and really and truly getting my hands dirty. I have FIVE giveaways in the works (which, honestly, is too many at once! so many people to keep happy!!) and one HUGE giveaway months in the making (whose value is slowly creeping towards the $300 mark!). It’s really been whirl-windy lately. I’m getting recognized all over the place, receiving awards, and even getting sponsors to contact ME! 

(I’ve even had people ask me to simply look at their site and then write about it on mine for traffic!)

It’s hard, because I was a suck-fest at noting here on OD, and it’s REALLY tough to keep up with re-commenting in the blogging world. If people are smart enough to have their email accessible through their profiles I just have to hit reply to my comment notifications in my email – and if that’s the case, I always do. If not, many times I simply forget to make the time to visit them and comment back. I need to work on that.

Because of the sheer fun I’m having on my blog (and, okay, a little bit because of the traffic, too) I’m seriously considering opening an etsy shop themed around my blog. I have some really great ideas floating around in my head, but I simply don’t have the time to sit down, make stock, and make it happen – because I’m having so many stinking parties! 🙂

It’s worth it. Stuff to scrapbook 🙂

Anyway. I’m sure there’s a bajillion more things I could tell you, but I need to attack my laundry mountain and clean up my dinner dishes so I can go read library books before bed and gear up for my crazy crazy week ahead. I hope you’re all doing lovely. 

Come visit me. http://verybesthousewife.blogspot.com

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