
Hi there,

Well here I am writing on Aimee’s laptop again. If you are a FB friend then you probably know that I went and picked up my new (to me) laptop from my friend Kevin.

I am still in awe that he did something so nice for me. However, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, I hate the laptop. I swear it is the slowest computer I have ever seen. One of those ones where it takes forever and a day just to load up. Doing anything on the web is just a lesson in patience and I ran out of that quickly. I have tried everything I could thing of to speed it up, including running virus scans. There were no viruses. I tried cleaning up the disk and de fragmenting too. I swear I’m not exaggerating when I say it is basically useless to me. I am surprised that Kevin never mentioned anything about the slowness. Maybe it’s just been so long since he used it, I don’t know.  Anyway, I of course will never say anything to him but thank you about the computer, but I sure am disappointed. I was so excited to get it.

If anyone has any ideas on how to speed it up (without costing a lot of money), I would appreciate hearing about it. I know one day I will get another and in the meantime I will just pop on here when I get the chance.

Nothing much going on in my world. Zoe is asleep and Aimee is getting ready to read and put Makayla and Leah to bed. It’s crazy week at Makayla’s school each day. Yesterday was "crazy hair" day, today was "crazy socks" day and I think tomorrow is "crazy hat" day.

I have weight watcher’s on Thursday night and am hoping for another good loss. The last 2 ones were great so I’ve got my fingers crossed. I can’t wait for summer when I can eat all those fresh fruits and vegetables!

Well that’s all I’ve got. Happy Hump day to everyone – hope you are all having a good week! (((hugs)))



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In all likelihood it needs more memory aka RAM. Not hard-drive space – but additional memory. If you know someone who can do the work memory sticks are generally pretty cheap. You just have to make sure you get the right one to fit the system. I would ‘volunteer’ Rich’s brother Peter, but his new wife is pretty much isolating him from the rest of the family – let alone “letting” him doa favor for a friend of ours. :/ I wish we were still up there, you know Rich would be more than happy to hook you up! You’re bound to know someone who can help with the expertise and work. Ask around!

February 28, 2012

Personally, i would much rather habve my desktop!! I hate trying to use a laptop when i am at my moms house!!! If you need/want any recipes, i can fix ya right up…lol I forgot to tell you when we talked, i love the name Zoe!!! You’re doing very well with WW, hang in here!!~*hugs*

Oh my gosh! I can’t wait for the summer veggies and fruits, too. I used to attend my WW meeting on Sunday morning and then afterwards I would go to the farmer’s market. It was so much fun. You are really doing well with Weight Watchers. Is this your first time being on the program or have you been on it before? You are inspiring me!

February 29, 2012