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Hi everyone!


What’s the kindest thing you’ve done for yourself recently?

I love this question! The reason I love it is because it makes you stop and think. I believe most of us have no problem being kind to others, especially those we love, but how often are we kind, really kind, to ourselves? The kindest thing I’ve done for myself lately, is to join Weight Watchers. Putting myself first by focusing on my health, is not only kind, it’s essential. I’m so glad I’ve taken this step.


Name one thing that you would do differently if you were able to have a "do over"?

I’m one of those people who pretty much believes all things happen for a reason so I don’t really believe in do-overs. There is one exception though. If I had it to do-over I would have never picked up a cigarette! Even though I no longer smoke, I spent years doing so. I now have lung disease and am on oxygen and I firmly believe this to be a direct result of smoking. I also believe that smoking will get you in some way or another. In my opinion, there is not one good reason to smoke.


If you could go anywhere in the world, and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?

Good question! I’m sure this will blow some people’s mind, but I have never had a desire to leave the United States! That being said, there are lots of places in the US I would love to see, especially CA. I’ve never been further west than Kansas and have always wanted to see CA. I also have lots of friends living there. I would love to see the Pacific Northwest. I have more than one fav living there and I really think I would like to live there one day. I have friends all over the country, including many on here, that I would love to visit.

My dream vacation would be about 2 months of traveling across country, visiting friends and seeing as many small towns as I could. I love small towns and everything about them!

Thank you so much for your questions. I think I have a few more questions I will answer soon. Hope everyone has a great week. ((((hugs))))



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March 4, 2012

I love your answers. You definitely have put thought into them, and I like that. People don’t really think before answering anymore.

I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions asked of you. I think you are taking good care of yourself by joining Weight Watchers which reflects the love that you feel for the woman that you are. I’ve never smoked and I’m thankful for that. And, I love the Pacific Northwest, too. It’s beautiful. As you know I live in Central California but some consider it Northern California. Make sureto stay with me for a few days during your travels. I will show you all of the sights and you will fall in love with the Monterey Peninsula. xoxo

My dad always said he never had a desire to leave the U.S. And I think there are so many U.S. citizens who have no idea what is out there in this huge country of ours, so seeing it is a great idea to me! But on the other hand… you know that saying “no man is an island”. There is a big world out there and it is NOT all about the U.S.A. Some Americans seem to have a superiority complex, but itis not justified. Other countries are absolutely beautiful and believe it or not, some of them have systems and ideas that are better than ours. It is SO life changing to see another country. So I hope you get that opportunity one day too.

March 4, 2012

I have that same desire to see the good ole USA. There is so much to do and see here why go to another country?? 🙂

March 4, 2012

Great answers!


I like these types of entries. Not sure I’d get a lot of questions if I did one.

March 5, 2012

I expected that answer to my 1st question, but your answer to my 2nd one really surprised me. I thought for sure you’d want to see Rome, England, or maybe even Ireland. So it took me by surprise when you said traveling the USA. However I have done just that in the days when AOL was big, and my godmother (Barb), Tina, & I took 5-6 months doing just that. Traveling all over the US meeting our AOL friends, and had a blast doing it. ^_^