Mind dump

At the moment I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry, celebrate or shake my fist.  I am so disheveled right now.  I am not in a good place in my head.  My foundation is shaken.  Life in general is good.  We are financially sound, we are blessed beyond measure, and really haven’t had anything life-altering happen as of late.  That should be enough.  Things have just been off-kilter this month, between visitors, birthdays, eating out, changes in schedules, and now saying goodbye to the best family friends we have.  I’m so sad about this, I can’t even begin to tell you how much so.  In less than 2 weeks, we’ll be celebrating another birthday, saying goodbye to another set of friends (who will be just visiting), and then sending Pop home.  With any luck, we’ll be visiting NY this summer and seeing Pop, and our family friends who are moving (and will be visiting the same area, hopefully at the same time.)  Knowing that will get us through.  I’ve got to be brutally honest with you all.  I love Florida, and I love Florida living, but tomorrow my coffee buddy, my #1 person I trust to watch my children, my BFF, and my homie is moving away and I am already feeling the huge void.  I know she is too.  Just pray for us, if you will.  On this same token, her daughter is Emily’s BFF.  They are feeling this sadness too. 

Pop’s been here now for 18 days, and told me yesterday he’s feeling itchy to get home.  I don’t blame him.  Like I said, things have been a bit disheveled around here.  I took him out for a bit yesterday, to the library, and I think that helped.  He found a book at the used book sale and now has something else to occupy him here.  He’s been walking every day too.  He also commented last night about the changes he has seen in me (vs. this time last year when he visited).  He asked how I have so much more energy/how I get so much done over the course of my day/how I run as much as I do, etc.  He says he’s never seen me so full of life. The wonderful things that did for my self-esteem, let me tell you!  I told him how much happier I am with my lifestyle changes, with the climate changes that come along with living here, etc…and what it has done for me.  I think I may have planted the seed, if you catch my drift.  If nothing else, he may continue coming here for winters.  Time will tell.  He goes home on April 9.

On that note I must go, duty calls.



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March 28, 2013

ryn: Just you. 🙂 Thanks, pal.

Wow its great that he can see such a change in you!