
Always beginning as a citizen
And then the drive out of the city
The storms off the coast
Clearing and then trees
The fire
And then the house
Standing there
Looking back down the steppes
Turn to the house
The door
The hall
Curtains closed against the sun
Heat radiating from every surface
The sound of an inhale
I wouldn’t call it waiting
Pre-empting the thoughts that are already forming
And the figure
Standing there
Looking at the roads I’ve driven
The city where I have come from
And now you will be named
Though the name isn’t for keeping
In the morning when I rise I will go to the bathroom
Harsh white light striking the tile and ceramic
The sound of even breathing
Lips parting
Then you catapult
But I wouldn’t know anything about that
Movement has no meaning
And the sun sets quickly again
Outside there is no car
No path
No road
I sit on the first step of the porch
A settling of weight beside me
Consider this
All of it

And I do
I find I will remind myself more often
As the shape drips from the space
Steps out of the soup of the ground
Takes my shape and walks
Walking in the streets of the city
It’s you that visits me
Remember that

I remember
More than other things
I remember

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