אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl pg 4

I remember when I was younger and was still trying to figure out if I could be Christian, I put away my Jewish Jewelry…boy did I have so many necklaces with the Magen David or the Hamsa…

See the source image See the source image

Well while cleaning I found a Hamsa Necklace…I still want a necklace with the Magen David, as that is the Symbol of Judaism…but the Hamsa is enough for now.

In class there is this guy that wears Magen David earrings…I think I would like that too…

During Shul on Saturday morning, the Rabbi said how we are meant to read the Bible every day, how we are meant to study it and not just live it. It is all very well to just go to class and do the little reading every now and then but reading and studying the Bible in my own time and speaking with Hashem is something that I would like to do and continue to do after this course and after becoming a Jew.

Decided to dedicate some time to G-d and read Genesis. Didn’t read much just how G-d created the Earth, Land, Sea and Land Animals and Man. Even though I know the story of Adam and Eve and The Garden of Eden and Tree of Knowledge, it is never a bad thing to read it again and again. I read fiction stories a 100 times, no reason why I cannot read The Bible a million times if not more.



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February 8, 2022

Seems that you finding that was something that came to you when you needed to find it.  I’d take that as a good sign.  🙂

February 9, 2022


As much as I am loving doing this course, it is rather exhausting trying to keep up…but hopefully I will get it all together.

February 8, 2022

I have a hamsa necklace too! It’s one of my fav necklaces :))

February 9, 2022


I keep forgetting to put mine on!! I should move it to next to my bed…