I had a dream…

I don’t know how it happened or what was going on but I was in a bar and suddenly I was standing in a puddle of bodily fluids.

Next thing I know I am in hospital and being told that I am about to have a baby. I am shouting that I am not pregnant just very bloated, but I am fine.

A few minutes later a baby boy is being put in my hands.

I go home the  next day but my baby has to stay in hospital. And then suddenly I am again standing in bodily fluids….turns out the baby I had the night before is a twin and I deliver his brother.

Now I am very confused and trying to figure out how I could have been pregnant with 2 babies and have not known. Of course I am happy and so start thinking of what I am going to name them. Thankfully I already know what I am going to name them, so that is an easy decision.

I am now home putting my twin boys to bed, when again I find myself standing in bodily fluids.

Next thing I know is I am holding my baby girl.

So in a period of 3 days I had triplets never once knowing I was actually pregnant.

Very weird. I woke up wondering how I would celebrate their birthdays.

Now tg this was just a dream…but I am not going to lie and say that there isn’t a huge part of me that wishes that was true, and the other part that doesn’t just wanna make me take a test now.  But I am also scared of seeing a negative on the test.

Often I just write down or talk about my dreams and what I want. I think by just voicing them that that is enough to make it come true. But last night I was watching The Godfather in Harlem and I remember someone saying “Don’t tell people your dreams, show them” , and I felt very impowered by that phrase.

While on LinkedIn this morning I saw a similar message to the one below and I hope that it is enough to push me to be what I want to be.



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