
Thinking of weather..a national obsession…and it has gone from ridiculous high to god it’s cold. Average for April but cold although chill would be more like it. Flowers and plants are late…not that I am a gardener but the daffodils, the tulips, cherry tree blossom all seem later. Maybe nature will catch up but I am not sure that would happen. Does mean that there will be cherries all over the front garden and a right mess as they drop the fruit that is not going all the way. The birds will have a field day with eating those…the ones still on the tree and everything in between. And what goes in has to come out…so the annual fight to not park under the tree canopy will begin. And the pavement (sidewalk) turns a lovely cherry shade of mush which will then get taken into the house on the bottom of shoes when you forget to take them off.

But I would not decline the beauty of the blossom for the mess that will follow. Life can be grey and horrible but the blossom brings light and joy and raises the spirit on the way out of the house but also the way back. I can really see why the Japanese celebrate the blossom season so much. One day i will get to see that glorious show…one day.

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April 29, 2018

Autumn over here.  So we have leaves everywhere.  Mornings are chillier but still the sun comes out and warms things up.  The cockatoos are having a field day with my big Gum Tree out the back, breaking off small branches to get to the Gum nuts.  Never a dull moment in the garden is there?


April 29, 2018

@leonalia not a dull moment but wish the birds would lie i and the ground was nearer my waist than my feet lol

April 29, 2018

Spring seems to finally have set in here, late as hell though. Looking forward to all of the green. We have two persimmons trees, they are a horrible mess in the fall. They are over the driveway, and if we don’t keep up w/them we end up driving through and then having rotting fermented fruit on our tires.

April 30, 2018

weather here has been a little off too.  those cherry blooms though!  gorgeous!