Punk’s not dead, it’s just sleeping

I’m in a good mood today. I’m listening to a lot of frenetic, energized, upbeat music like Ramones and Sparks’ album Kimono My House ("This Town Ain’t Big Enough for Both of Us" is a definite favorite). I’m not sure if my mood if affecting the music I listen to or if it’s the other way around. Either way, I’m not gonna fight it.

I had an interview today at Country Kitchen, a restaurant. I applied for the job of dishwasher. I think the interview went fairly well. I had to take some personality questionnaire which took me about a half-hour to complete (there were 180 questions, all yes/no and true/false). I completely bullshat my way through the entire thing because if I didn’t, I most certainly wouldn’t get the job. Some of the questions got a chuckle out of me. "T/F: I sometimes do cocaine with my friends." As if cokeheads really think to themselves, "Yes, I do cocaine and I’m definitely going to answer this question honestly. They’ll totally hire me." Silly. The woman who interviewed me said that she wouldn’t be making a decision until the beginning of this upcoming week. I hope I get the job because I desperately need one and it would just be nice to have a cellphone again after not having one for, like, two years. Then again, a 23-year-old working part-time as dishwasher? How sad! Either way, it’s better than nothing.

*Warning: TMI*
So, I have some form of crotch rot right now. By that I mean there is something not kosher going on south of the border. Itching, burning, just general irritation. I’m guessing it’s probably a yeast infection so I bought Monistat and used that. That was yesterday. So far the itching has gone down considerably but it still feels very uncomfortable, raw and hot. If it doesn’t go away within the next couple of days, I suppose I will make an appointment with my gynecologist. ‘Cause who doesn’t love a trip to the gyno?

I’m finishing up my music session with "London Calling" by The Clash. A great song to go out on, if you ask me!


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January 9, 2014

Those job personality tests are so weird! Seriously, who would answer a question like that with a yes?