
Minnesota has been really cold lately. It’s -7° with a windchill of -18. We are actually in a "windchill advisory" right now and almost every school in the area is closed. Yesterday was even worse. I don’t mind, though. I’ve never been one of those people who constantly whines about how cold it is. The problem, though, is that I just smoked my last cigarette and have no means of getting to a store other than walking. The closest gas station to my house is farther than I would like to walk in this weather. Now I know I don’t mind the cold but I don’t necessarily relish the thought of frostbite. I also think walking to a gas station in subzero temperatures just for a pack of expensive, cancer-causing cigarettes is pretty pathetic. Then again, I am pretty pathetic. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a sign that I should just quit. I plan on quitting sometime soon anyway (when my money runs out). I guess if I get desperate enough, I will just end up walking. I have a tendency to overheat when I’m exercising so the cold will probably not seem that bad to me. For the most part, I don’t want to walk to the store because I am just fantastically lazy. Blaming it on the cold just sounds way better.

Speaking of being lazy and unhealthy, I really need to start exercising and eating better. I wish I knew where to start. Every time I say something like that to someone, they give me one of those judgy faces and say something obvious like, "Uhhh, just eat more fruits and vegetables and go on a run every day, dumbass!" to which I respond, "Well, there’s really no need for name-calling." I just feel like eating more fruits and veggies and going on a run is the most basic thing I could do and most likely won’t give me the results I want in the time frame in which I want to achieve them. Everybody is different and some things work better for one person while other things work better for another. For instance, I have bad knees, weak ankles and exercise-induced asthma so running probably isn’t that suitable an exercise for someone like me. Now, swimming… that’s a perfect cardio for me! It’s just things like that that you have to take into account. And don’t even get me started on "eating healthy"! I am so damn confused with what’s healthy and what’s not and which foods you should be eating to burn which fats and brain explosion! 

I wish I was rich. Then I could afford a nutritionist and a personal trainer who could help design a plan specifically for me! Actually I wish I was rich for a lot of reasons.

Well, persuading my boyfriend to bring me a pack of smokes sure didn’t work so I guess I either have to succumb to maddening nicotine withdrawal or pull myself up by my bootstraps and walk to the store. I don’t think I used that bootstraps expression in the right context but I don’t care!




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